Short fuse V - Day 1 [6/12] - Mafia win... Day 1

…no, you’re just obvtown here even if I disagree with your reads.

no this is stockholm syndrome

Votee Voted by Votes
EVO Hippo 1/6
SirDerpsAlot Appelsiini, Alice, Vulgard, Drybones 4/6
Italy Braixen 1/6


you know
since i’m reading so many people who are actually posting as villa
wolves are either not doing anything significant or my reads are hot garbage
if we don’t get any wolf flips soon i will hardcore reevaluate

Current readlist
  • Braixen - null until recently changing to scumlean. What was the “vote me out” fiasco?
  • Alice - townlean. This slot actively tries to gamesolve. Why is this my only V tell
  • Appelsiini - slight townlean. This slot, like Vulgard, has been questioning a lot of things and actively tries to gamesolve. Seems towny. Also maybe I just like this slot because they’re the only one that’s not trigger happy
  • Clonedcheese - locktown. Duh
  • SirDerpsAlot - scumlean. As explained in my last wallpost, I didn’t like Derps’ daystart into killing row very much. They did gain a little towncred from me since row was actively scummy when he came in, but still this slot seems scummy.
  • Hippoyeetus - townlean. Engages with Evo and Braixen, two PoE members in a probing manner - good i guess
  • Drybones - townlean. Although attack on Kyo is kinda unexplainable, I can see town!seth taking this reasoning
  • Vulgard - talks too much so lockscum townlean. Questionable arguing with Kyo, but actively tries to gamesolve despite low post rate. Tries to look at everything, so seems villagery.
  • Italy - null. Hasn’t done anything except be trigger-happy at SoD1
  • EVO - null/scumlean. Has Vulgard and Alice in PoE. Null for having SDA in PoE also, but seems off?

as a result, my PoE is:

@Appelsiini all yours

derps and evo always die here don’t they

Is top more scummy or is bottom more scummy?

nobody thinks they are v
the unanimity is kinda weird

1 Like

I’m… confused?
What is this about


Good point

It is called a joke

top more scummy
if you read my list that should be obvious :stuck_out_tongue:

it’s like row 2.0
i do want to flip at least one of them (probably derps because he’s not doing anything) to see if i’m right


I don’t agree with this, but fair enough. Also that is a good point Vul

maybe scum gave up?

I still want to give EVO time so I can see their reads when they have the time

well not that
you just did some weird voting shennanigans
first you asked people to vote for you
and then voted italy
when Derps is a large wagon

you see what I’m getting at?