Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

hve you did the 500 posts and under person analysis you said ud do

im afraid of gorta reads seeing his involvment in thread tbh

like what happened in the 2 minutes after his post, something something tree

I was going to do “Night’s part of the ISO first”, but 50+ of the 60 posts are fluff and the others are just meh


^ This is the only parts of their ISO which aren’t fluff, which are a couple of scattered, level-0 reads.
They didn’t really feel comfortable in thread, and it’s almost like they refused to take stances or make reads. Even up until they ahem disappeared, their last post is literally “lol four weak reads, two of which are hedge and the third is “I trust in them for now””

Tro's part of the ISO

Starts out with overly self-aware.

Reacts oddly seriously to the obvious joke of a “soulread”, despite the fact that we’ve both acknowledged that neither of us put any stock into them and would never use them in an FM game.

Back to self-aware, literally acknowledges that these parts of their read are absolutely nothing special and the reads aren’t… decent, really.

Not even really a game take, although it’s worth noting that things like this are a great example of why we should be having people who have inherent angleshooting with each other in the same game is bad™

Follows up with this, apparently carrying on their predecessor’s love for not making actual reads

Why would this be indicative of anything, though? They never really explain this. It feels more like “alright, let’s get this out of the way” rather than actual active interest in solving

I actually read through their part of Morpho and the tone, for one, is very different, and they mainly got sunk due to their partner’s actions because Morpho was weird™

this is slightly questionable because
this would literally just be a waste of time, and they were aware of it so…?

Lots of words that absolutely mean nothing and also don’t match up with their posts later


see above about not lining up
the read and the conclusion don’t really line up, and it’s also the exact same read they had before doing it

focuses on a tiny detail extremely heavily to the point of getting on everyone’s nerves as if they’re trying to actively redirect conversation

This looks worse with Marshal’s flip almost as if they were TMI’ing them V and trying to go “well I asked them how to read them why didn’t you smh”

This is against what they said before, also this just kinda… showed up out of nowhere.

Yet they did anyway
which then makes that feel performative, especially since that didn’t really affect their read anyway which they then disregarded in the other post above

clears throat

Kinda overreacts to this heavily
Just doesn’t make sense in context whatsoever

does not™
lots of fluff and non-content™

nothing here worth noting

These are garbage™
Especially when they’ve spent so much time going “I’m so worried about this and I’m trying so hard and I’m not townleaning them yet”

Osie's part of the ISO

This… is actually a decent start. Sleeping through EoD is okay tbh like
welcome to other parts of the world™
I’m a bit iffy on some of their reads, such as Windward not really being explained or revisited
They’re also disregarding meta which is like, okay
but they are actively stomping it into the dirt and spitting on it
however, they claim they only don’t like “old meta”
the meta on Leafia is not old, but they’re ignoring it anyway (later)

This is especially weird because the start of my ISO has a decent amount of content, and I feel like if you’re actually going through it it’s more content than spam up until about partway through D2, which I’ll get back to later.

So, this is their starting readlist. That’s fair. It matches up with their reads except for like
minor sect organizations.

actually reading through this
I’m finally realizing that he literally did have me as nulltown :sweat:
it just looked weird because he only had two townreads

Generally overaggressive and rude

This was funny because of how inaccurate “bitching up a storm” was because I was literally trying to get their thought process behind it

This simply does not line up with his chart, but it does line up with his reasoning so I’m thinking about it™

Blowing my reaction out of proportion, but I’m not sure if it’s because they want to paint me in a poor light or because they’re biased because they want to do things™ and prove themselves

This post and the ones that come before it are good tm


Constantly shading me instead of trying to talk through the opposing viewpoint and see how FK came to a different conclusion

This isn’t wrong, but I still just dislike the general condescending tone he’s taking

it’s very consistent and accurate meta™

I’m curious why sometimes it’s towny and sometimes it’s scummy

He then quoted the post and I can both see the mistake logically and the reasoning for the wording makes sense, it just… sounds weird


…? This is probably the single most questionable post of their ISO. It just… doesn’t make sense, in or out of context. I can’t really see a town perspective for this, only a scummy one, which is trying to disrupt the towncore.

This is a cognitively consistent read, and the progression on FK has been decent and visible

Once again, this is blowing it out of proportion and I just can’t figure out why.

Feels like he’s pandering to them almost in a way where he goes "agree with me. I’m complementing you. Agree with me on this. I must be a good townie because I’m calling you a good townie.

^ what I mentioned in the first post of the ISO

“edgy spam” Once again, I’m sorry that my irl shit spilled over into this, but… after that is where most of my fluff and memeing came in, which doesn’t match up with everything else you’ve been talking about.

[quote=“osieorb18, post:10575, topic:85810”]

but the first one isn’t pushing agenda, and makes sense since gorta has been slanking and doesn’t do jack shit ever
and the second one is literally just incorrect

I’m curious
Can you actually… point out this game? also haha you have to read the entire post to figure out where the ping is
get fucked libtard now do shit
Overall, when I go through it and remove the personal bias Osie isn’t actually that bad
I just dislike how he’s been treating everyone with his superiority complex, whether intentional or not

/unvote @katze
I came here to convince others and ending up just fucking with my own head :pensive:


Light in a me / Sulit intense debate who would you vote rn

Me tooting my own horn

For context, this was the towniest post I think I’ve made all game which was like
level 7 reading so I’m not really surprised nobody got it
This was from Jailkeeper 9/9, which I was reading up on to help my read on FK because it was the only meta I knew of his, and that’s why I had this post on the top of my head and got it in literally just a couple dozen seconds after Chloe’s post

This was a scummy one because I had this thought in my head and I was just keeping it quiet for a while because I wanted to see if anyone else would see it which I never really explained

This was the last one, and it was purely to see people’s reactions to it

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this question was already asked, and even though I was joking on the reasoning, I wasn’t joking about the vote

Ban Count

Getting Banned Banners Votes to be Banned
sulit Leafia, WindwardAway, Firekitten 3/6
Centuries Blizer, osieorb18, Chloe 3/6
Firekitten Centuries 1/6
Chloe an_gorta_pratai 1/6
WindwardAway sulit 1/6
Not Voting Grace, Light 2

Your post looks like an actual progression of thoughts, I’ll give it that
It really does look like you’re trying to solve that slot

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Also, regarding osie’s condescending tone
I’ve never played with them before but tbh I just took it as NAI even if I didn’t like it
Other than that, honestly I think the slot looks towny enough to be a townread for me

I want to point something out about the voting right now. Sulit, despite saying she kind of SRs Cents, is not voting him. Instead she’s trying to make me a CW when nobody else is currently voting me.

So why, if she’s town, does she not self-pres by voting Centuries to push his wagon over hers? Unless she doesn’t want her teammate going over, which would mean the wagons are w/w.

The converse is also true. If Centuries is town,why doesn’t he self-pres and vote Sulit?Instead he votes FK who isn’t a wagon right now, either.

Conclusion: Sorry if I’m wrong but the wagonomics really make it look like we’re wagoning 2 wolves here


Note that both of them have voiced SRs on each other, so it’s really odd that they aren’t voting each other here.

im waiting


i prefer fk

and sulit is at 3 votes

this is level 0 analysis its not like we’re not voting each other at eod

Waiting to switch your vote till EoD doesn’t mean it makes you town so /shrug

doesnt make me scum

stop trying to

idk do things that are dumb

Doesn’t make me either alignment but everyone keeps talking about wagonomics so I did a thing

i dont do everything for towncred

sometimes i just do it because its the correct play



Doing things that are dumb I meant
I realized after I said that, that it was a disconnected thought lol
Did not have to do with what you said

I could vote rn if I wanted

but it create a shitty dome i dont want to get myself into

…I was writing a thing and then I lost track of what I was thinking