Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

picture of my stupid cat isnt deserving of towncore but dumb honeycat is?? wtf

but you arent voting anyone


making fm jokes towards a newbie makes me feel like a bad person

its like talking about inside jokes that you share with a single person
in front of a crowd of people

Also I’m kinda torn after reading them tbh I’m very confused and I wanna ask sulit but I’m not aloud to ig

you can ask sulit in the thread

You can ask me here but not in person dummy

once again sulit/grace not w/w

god its so easy to make level-0 reads

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you can ask her things if you do it here in the game thread, you just can’t talk to her outside of the thread/in real life (unless both of you are Mafia, in which case you can talk in Mafia chat)



this game is a mess

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grace do you think sulit is town

if you want to ask her about the game, i assume so?

I’m sorry that I am dumb sulit

I think she is

help i think grace is a villager but its been like 2 posts

But I have no actual proof

Wait no I feel bad now you’re not dumb

I’m just going to go “there’s a 75% chance that she is a villager so she’s a villager” and leave it alone

This is awkward grace is sitting right next to me

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We both on a bus