Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

I didn’t read the whole thread, I just picked a couple random points and bulk skimmed posts to look for content.

quick first impressions:

Chloe is a weh, need to do more thinking on her slot
Arete looks good but I’ve misread them before lol
Leafia is town
Marl is probably town
Sulit is probably town

everyone else sitting at roughly null rn because I haven’t gotten a good read on them

for context on Marl
been in one game where he flipped wolf (JoAT) and one where he flipped town (Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei) so far
so GTH he flips town here

Breaking news:
Crashing cars now illegal. Car crash rate drops to 0%.

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ftr sulit’s discussion of Chloe with Marl in this section of the thread felt actively unlikely to be W/W with Chloe

bringing this up because I feel like if Chloe flips wolf people are going to be like ‘sulit defend Chloe?? sulit wolf??’ but I don’t actually think the posts sulit is making here are posts that you make to defend someone that you have TMI is scum

Me after seeing Tro like one of my posts:

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I don’t know what I was expecting

this is also not W/W most likely

me, in like 16 hours, when Chloe flips town and all my ‘not W/W’ reads are useless:

can we just agree I’m villa and get it over with?

chloe and Evo are both obv BoFa-ing and should die

how much longer do we have in the day?

what is BOF’ing

bofa deez nuts lmao

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i keep checking thread cause i can’t control myself
then i see things like this, sigh, and want to die

seriously though i can’t provide good content atm so yell at me for this later

I feel like a lot of Evo’s posts are off-topic/don’t really add anything

obviously some of that is normal on this forum but they’re … not totally sure how to explain this … not off-topic in ways that make sense? like the Pokèmon conversation a lot of you had last night didn’t ping me because I can totally buy that you all wanted to talk about Pokèmon but this comment was just kind of random

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nvm I see it lol

I was gonna unvote but soulread says Tro!scum

Arete do you town read Sulit? Like, the interaction me and Sulit had where Sulit asked me who to CFD, I suggested someone, and they asked me “why would we CFD this early” gives me really bad vibe; It’s like their train of thought got completely side tracked after I told them who they should vote that it makes me question whether or not that was intentional.

at the moment I like the idea of voting EVO but I probably need to read more of their posts to make an informed call
just didn’t see anything I thought was particularly great or contributing tbh

You asked me to CFD!!