Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

:crab: :crab: :crab:
:crab: :joy_cat: :crab:
:crab: :crab: :crab:

wolves wanna make a deal if you keep me alive ill 10 post d2

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you’re free to think so i can’t stop you
just wait for the good shit tm


  1. how much is it based off of your prior read of night
  2. seems to be an early consensus so i want to hear some reasons cause i appear to be blind
  3. how scared are you or are you even scared of townreading me due to game 7

Hmmm, things aren’t proceeding with Night like I thought they would. /vote Marshal @katze

And yes, Marshal is likely going to point at how scummy what I just said sounds in an attempt to discredit me. I’ll be surprised if he didn’t.

night is now trochi

@Trochilidae give me some quick reads

i keep thinking torchi is light and light is trochi

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Ban Count

Getting Banned Banners Votes to be Banned
Chloe Arete, WindwardAway, Centuries, Marluxion 4/8
Trochilidae Light, Firekitten 2/8
Marluxion Mistyx 1/8
Grace Marshal 1/8
Firekitten Trochilidae 1/8
Centuries EVO 1/8
WindwardAway sulit 1/8
Marshal Leafia 1/8
Not Voting an_gorta_pratai, Grace, Chloe 3

Had no strong opinion on night

Whereas your posts feel like they went through google translate 14 times

Whateva i’ll cut you some slack

Go do yo thang

time to waste my time isoing chloe in morphogenic

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yo @EVO did you ever answer either of these

oh my vote’s on Chloe at the moment?
gonna give her the benefit of the doubt for a couple hours while I’m asleep lol

/unvote @katze

arete saying yo feels inherentlywrong


Okay, easy fix: Light is Light, and Trochilidae is Trochi! You can tell who we are based on who we are! Hope this cleared it up a bit ^-^

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brb i must shout expletives at my cat for closing my tabs and stepping on my power button

coldest takes in the fucking world

leafia v because i remember it being a really common tell for her being talked about in a vc that if she has original thoughts the slot is town

marl v gonna sheep it, from the quick skim i did has been Different from gay mafia where i got him almost instantly

i’m not touching chloe with a 10 foot pole

mist v they seem sick and tired of the toxicity in thread in a way that feels like dear god let this end so we can be productive and not oh dear god this is good for me but i still don’t like it

slightly spicier take
i don’t see how sulit/grace are entirely clear from w/w i could see sulit going haha if i don’t poke her it’ll be townie of me and if grace flips w it wouldn’t be much of a loss to the team

not saying i find sulit individually wolfy i just don’t see how that scenario is completely off the table

Im gunna branch off of this, regarding evo

I checked vc before i fell asleep for nap

He has said that im not going over today
But he hasnt actively done anything to change the state of the wagons

I dont even remember him talking about conroy (who he is voting) since he first placed his vote???

Its more like he’s trying to yoink cred for “supporting me” but his support is about as strong as a toothpick

these sure are wagons

@an_gorta_pratai cast a vote

@Chloe cast a vote

Grace doesn’t get pinged to cast a vote because I’m not convinced she’s read more than three posts

i am also fluent in trochispeak