Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

I’ll come back before EoD and try to get reads on the other slots as well as develop my quick readlist more, but I do have classes and stuff so it might be a bit last minute when I do so.

peace out, nerds :v:


this is funny

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oh arete posted that not sulit

I’d rather not atm

Wind unvoted me
If i cast a vote, the ‘towncore’ will manage to turbo me

i would be devastated if grace was my wolf partner and i let her die

as a twin i’d absolutely let my sister die in her first game if we were scumbuddies it would be hilarious

but what would you be doing if you two were scumbuddies then



thank you perfect that’s what i wanted

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my only problem with that is that there are no typos
yes this is a legitimate read

:brain: :butterfly: Chloe is posting way more than she did D1 in morphogenetic… :butterfly: :brain:

Grace would have posted by now

And they’d probably clear eachother because nobody can say otherwise

Yes hello this is the third sister speaking

Bad metric to read me by


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lvae me alone demon cat

This post seems overly performative but I’m pretty sure this is Trochi indicative more than it is alignment indicative

what i wanted out of sulit there with that line of questioning was a genuine emotional reaction
i believe i got it
but again my issue is that there are no typos and we know sulit is prone to typos
my thought was that if she was Really Emotional she’d pound the keyboard more angrily and be likelier to typo

Oh no



…is trochi overly performative as scum?

chloe you never did answer my question about g7

also I’m caught up now
