Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

Okay yeah they’re scum lol

alright what prompted that?
take me through your thought process

I’ve been arguably more frustrated and upset than sulit has in this entire game yet you comment on typos being AI for sulit and not me

I don’t know HOW wolfy this is

But it feels like a read that you pulled out of thin air that doesn’t have any basis at all and doesn’t make anyone a wolf or a villager

It’s like calling arete a villager for going “mrrrrrr” or “aaaaaaa”

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I don’t know why the post feels wolfy when it’s objectively a reasonable question but it does

You just liked a post telling you not to interact with me

It is pretty weird at that. Maybe my vote was in the right place after all. /vote Trochi @katze


aret did h do thing I want other perspective

Shinobu ni


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i haven’t seen it real time
what i was pointing out for sulit was a single short burst of emotion brought on by a smashing of keys

your frustration is of an entirely different type so the logic i was applying for sulit doesn’t really fit there

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i did that as a sign i wasn’t going to rather than me just telling you
but i suppose i’ve defeated the purpose either way

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The most important part of my post on this typo-read is that it isnt AI in the first place

But i’ll accept this part of the answer ig

I have no idea what you’re asking me

I need some supper, be back in a bit

no one has a name that starts with an h!


due to recent events i’ve been able to adopt a much more objective, logical mindset when playing and if something i’m doing “looks bad” i want to know about it and why it appears wolfy so i can take that to heart in future games