Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

I think I saw enough
not rescinding my vote on FK lol
he makes reads, seems fairly confident in those reads, and pushes them.

I mean, I care… it’s good, concise info if done correctly

also saw some self-awareness that was a little questionable

marshal your d1 in a broader way of “reading multiple people” is very bad because literally its tunneling chloe all day long and then maybe a few other reads

yes this is fm here

also wtf sulit its literally the first time ive made such spreadsheet

even though my iso is long that doesnt mean my reads are spread apart!!!

i rep the same reads over long portions


im gunanaawd

D1 seems too early to be so confident on your reads as a villager. Looks more like agenda setup.

dude no offense but this forum is really not that hard to read

conroy stop speaking french this is an english forum!!!


like i do bs like this sometimes bc its easier to make reads this way in my head but i never make dumb spreadsheets what

You’ve made spreadsheets before !!!

There’s a reason I left this forum for a while then went to MU (i stopped playing mafia after that but that’s a different story) and it’s because I found this forum extremely boring because people were easy to read

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chloe shut the frick up u cant expect for me to understand all your reads perfectly when i stay awake past my bedtime to make a dumb spreadsheet so i can understand the game more while re-reading!!

WHAT?? no wrong when??

See I was gonna improve on that but then for some reason the day got cut a little short :slight_smile:

then dont blame me for not getting all your reads down perfectly if u dont voice them all!! what

u shut the frick up

go to sleep on time next time

but then people will say i do nothing for all 40 hours long night

I don’t remember!!!