Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

These arent really
To me

I think youre putting too much stock in this

They b doodoo

Trochi is a villager

I buy that her earlier confusion about what happened yesterday was legitimate and I think that comes from a perspective of not having a wolfteam to talk to

Vaguely rememberher doing similar in g7


My huge wualm with trochi is that they talked to light yesterday as if light was town without a doubt

They were actuvely looking for a townread from light and not trying to gauge his alignment

It just looked like classic tmi

good take, out of my PoE she goes

now let’s kill chloe, or if not chloe, mistyx

Its like jow she talked to 5sm

SUPER similar

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who’s 5sm

Mist is realistically likelier wolf because she’s super out of towmneta that its not funny but nobody will sheep me there most likely

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“Okay, there’s a v!chloe reason for this and a s!chloe reason for this, and I think chloe is scum therefore this is scummy!”

Five-star men
In hydra g7

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Welcome to my world

Mist is in my scumleans
problem is this game actively saps my WiM and most of her scummy stuff overlaps with low WiM

Get me the fuck out

Strong villager who she was trying to buddy up to and get townread for talking to them

But tmi’d them town by not trying to gauge their alignment

for a second I thought you were talking about me and was happy

And the not knowing how evo got modkilled thing is not ai
Its not at all out of her scumrange
Shes very performative as w

you too tbh

Or the comparisonwouldnt make sense

so you’re delusional
i cant take compliments but ty

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