Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

This nka is dumb and you should stop using it

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like you literally said I was pushing agenda at the start of day

pushing an agenda that would never see the light of day if you were town?

I dontundersahit post


how do I fix that

His legacy carries weight

Because you and many others still fucking w read me lol

you said at start of day I reeked of agenda pushing but the arete push made little sense to be pushing from an agenda perspective if you were town

and presumably you know you are town

i dont w read you solely bc of legacy

fact is

more people tr you since he died
and less people sr you

Like literally the most simple answer is that marl died bc he was obvtown

And almost all other answers are just used to fit worldviews, when its entirely wifom

My read on Marshal

ok yeah I saw this readlist literally now so my bad

it’s content but I’m trying to figure out whether those reads are like actual reads or just grasping at things so they don’t look like TMI
I’m really bad at tonereading so I just don’t do it anymore.

from what I’ve seen, Marshal pushes Chloe D1 for the entirety of the day and is now continuing to do so. He could do this as either alignment and I’m not really sure if Chloe’s flip would clear him as opposite alignment. I think some of his cases against Chloe actually are valid points, but mostly toward the beginning of D1 when a lot of people seem to have jumped on Chloe, so it wouldn’t have been too hard for him to make a convincing case on her.

I see he also put a handful of other people into his PoE and it looks like he was mainly focused on FK/Trochi/Mist, which I need to look into more. All I really saw was focus on Chloe and then a handful of people in the PoE after mostly just SRing Chloe for the whole day so meh.

i.e. there’s still a >0 chance the reads are fabricated, at least one of his PoE is a scummate, and he’s pushing Chloe because lol easy push as she’s had a bullseye painted on her back since the start of the game from what I can tell. Not that I can say I TR her, but I’m not comfortable enough throwing Chloe into a hard SR.

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Thats ot true either

It looked like you were using marl’s reads to push your agenda

His reads were me/arete w/w
So you oushed that

Marl said you are a wolf and Marl is dead so you are 100 percent lock wolf! get boxed in Chleb


Fucku got me

even if its a joke its mispainting the entire argument

but pushing that if you are town makes zero sense when I could have just pushed you full steam ahead from his death instead of adding another layer of complexity for no reason?

maybe I’m being dumb and I’m misunderstanding what you are saying

You voted me and continued to voice a scumread kn me

Pushing arete/me w/w worlds is your best bet as a wolf bc its what marl heavily believed in at one point

Like yeah i know its not true but that doesnt make it less likely to be agenda

no that’s dumb

No its not

yes it is

pushing arete at the same time is dumb

Literally your entire push on arete looked preplanned

It doesnt matter that you were pushing an arete/chloe w/w world
Thats just the easiest to push bc of marl’s reads

Its not like youre locked into that mindset

Arete could flip v and you could still go back and say “ok well chloe is still a wolf”

this is where our arguments are basically focused around what we would do as a wolf that invalidates the other person’s what would they do

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