Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses


Conroy read

sulit well known for tr’ing me as if she hasn’t been wrong for past 3 games we’ve played together

At least this talk didnt turn toxic

We’re improving

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Good theatrics bubba

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Sulit needs to get her homework finished befor she leaves or she stays up till 11

Ok im tasking u with being v

I dont know whether or not this is ai but wind posting a random wal during a big argument feels weird

It might be Just Wind Things

Does anyone else see this

I saw her writing for a while
to add to food discussion
I am having steak! :slight_smile:


Not really tbh


Like i didnt get any notion that she was trying to read you
And all her posts looked forged specifically to get a townread frim you

that was me taking forever to ISO Marshal after Marshal asked to be reevaluated so I was not actually reading the thread lol

i will reread

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It gave me major tmi vibes akin to g7

But ok mm

also, they/their*

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the thing with Trochi is that I think they legit wanted to know how their slot was being read since it seems most people had Night in their PoE by EoD, so I can understand why they were fishing for townreads even as actual town.

I’m still unsure on their slot at the moment but as I said before, I think if they were a wolf they would’ve gone straight for pushing agenda since there are some easy pushes here, instead of trying to get people to reevaluate their slot to get them out of the PoE.


im sorry trochi

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it okay
i’m still here and reading atm cause thing doesn’t start for 15 minutes but trust me it’s okay

Yeah, I’m really not seeing it.