Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

I think I’ll call it a night and come back tomorrow to do some more evals

Chloe is trying to pocket me by liking my past posts

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@WindwardAway what caused this?

because of what you asked me earlier
you asked me to reconfirm that I’d reconsider your reads if you flipped town

No, the order of the posts don’t match

oh did I say that earlier? lemme check actually


yeah I just went back and I dont remember tbh lol
it might’ve been that theory of mafia stuff you pulled that I didn’t particularly feel like reading

I didn’t reevaluate your slot when I made that comment, though lol
I think I reevaluated you a while later, probably actually after you asked me about if you flipped town

iirc it was still before that post

nvm I don’t know when this was in the timeline, I think I was just eating dinner and ISOing judging by the time stamp

Re-read the day pretty quickly

Sulit was pretty townie on d1 but today shes been lacking?
She hasnt said anything about conroy which is really weird and i feel like she’d have more focus on him
Sulit removed from towncore for Meta Reasons, but placed in my “GTH Town” category

the annoying thing is that I rescinded my vote and moved it to Marshal after saying that

I’m just inconsistent and tbh had a busy day and then slept through the rest of it until dinner because I was still pretty hungover lol

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We’re not voting out Chloe. Think about it. If she was scum, why would she make herself look even scummier by killing Marl? I doubt she would. I bet she’d kill me or one of her other supporters so that she could argue that she’d never do that as a wolf.

btw whatever happened to the Marshal discussion, or did it die while i was taking an eternity and a half to write a wallpost on his ISO?

I’m not sure you realized but the marluxion kill did the exact opposite but w/e arguing about Chloe isn’t rlly going to help progress this game

Don’t act like those are the only cases on you because they’re not.

When i think of marshal my mind jumps back to how he treated me and arete early d1, as it felt like trying to help marl push his tunnel rather than someone who actually believed im woof

My mind also jumps to his wall about me being lamist
When a ton of the quotes he provided weren’t lamist
Reminded me a lot of joat^2 when he pushed agenda on ash4fun
He finds something Not That Wolfy and skews it as a Very Common Wolftell that everyone should know, and pulls a bunch of random quotes to support it, knowing full well that people wont read it and will probably just go “yup, agreed”

But then my mind goes “but the dude isnt playing the game. Wouldnt he be taking more of a leader role in thread if he were a wolf?”

But then i go
“I guess the village could just be imploding and his goal was to pocket marl and have a legacy townread and some townies to push, and hes just chillin and eating popcorn”


Fine with marshal vote
Wont vote there because i think we’re at l-2