Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

if we somehow dont hit a wolf till lylo

town deserves to lose ngl


we get four total miselims, the fifth is game-losing (this is counting Evo as a miselim)

it’s actually arguably wolfsided but lol

wolves pls nk leafia/grace its consensus town trust me


they’ll never see it coming

evo dying was a tragedy


im getting Morph vibes again

im feeling death around the fucking corner

and i just subbed in

no but with this gamestate

assuming we gib a wolf before actual lylo

we have 4 miselims and 3 regular elims so we have to be, like, 40% accurate or smthn

well if you’re a villager then probably yeah

ye but maths dont count when we have like leafia locktown

how the fuck do you guys do basic math so quickly

im over here like
tryina draw a flowchart in my mind

I’m just saying I have the game locked

……maybe swap Blizer with one of {Light/Centuries}


by having the numbers memorized

is the post


im heading to bed

if Chloe or someone else is lynched while im asleep

Reasses reads after flip, go through slots that you feel like had a weird approach onto the said flipped slot yadayadayada

your usual ya know

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post your lock again

see i object tho