Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

like she made a show of leaving thread and finding archie


but she didn’t say “hey, I still think arete’s wolf” or “Maybe I could be wrong, what do you think about x?” and instead just insta-replied to some rando arete post countering her own post

i guess it could be percieved that way?

but not really

the tunnel would have to go through the center of the earth

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I literally came back and said this has signs of being v/v




like you even premeditate it with an arete vote

aaaaaaaaaaa red loaf red loaf

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did you read the thread yet sulit
this is probably one you wanna actually read
the memes died on like post 20

I don’t even want to kill Arete today
I just want to figure them out and tunnel them

As much as I currently think it’s a pelt, it’s never in our best interest to vote a highposter who is contributing substance on d1

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No I haven’t

pls do so at your earliest convenience :orangutan:


how is voting someone i scumread wolfy

this is literally your post coming back saying “hey NERD YOURE A WOLF”

this is like 10m after and a footnote to the constant barrage of YEET THE ARETE

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Marshal welcome to the towncore
i was paranoid at first but you’ve somehow made it out of the box

because I specifically asked you to take a break to reflect on your read and it feels like you pre-decided what your conlcusion after the break would be!

/vote conroy

If today somehow ends in both Arete and Chloe voting me i want you all to know i was right

i took a break

you told me to come back and figure out whether or not arete is a wolf or if theyre a villager after thinking on it

i came back and determined arete is more likely to be a wolf

after continuing to read, i noticed signs of us being v/v by how the rest of thread is handling the argument