Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

Goodnight europeans and arete

the floor is me not changing opinions


Chloe/Sulit/FK B(+?)

Chloe/Gorta/FK C+

Chloe/Windward/FK B-

Chloe/Grace/FK C+

Chloe/Trochi/FK B-

Chloe/FK/Blizer B-

Chloe/FK/Marshal B

so thats the likeliest chloe team? i guess

actually you’re missing Arete/Windward teams as well lol

I went back and counted

FUCK ok lets call it most likely all low B high C ggs

mh its V/V chloe marshal world

which i think is like really rare

so yeah i guess high C

maybe im too harsh on non marshal/chloe worlds

for that matter I find it a little odd how Arete decided to call me wolfy earlier in the thread after I posted my readlist
I mean I know my readlist was written off the top of my head because i had the reads written down but not the explanations, but idk
something about the specific way they were reading me pinged me as kind of off

or maybe it’s because I legit do not know what to do with Chloe’s slot anymore lol

was Arete the first to SR Chloe on D1, or what exactly was the sequence?

yes arete then marl then marshal/me


but early chloe/arete most w/w they’ve had interaction wise

then fk then gorta

because I see T!Arete being able to pull W!Chloe pretty easily
but I also see W!Arete being able to lead a wagon on T!Chloe
so uh

the readlist’s not why I thought you were wolfy, the readlist was mostly ~decent I thought

oh whoops

i dont understand ppl who are better than me at mafia

i dont understand ppl