Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

I guess I can see your point. Honestly, when I ISO’d Mist, the first 75% of her posts did not scream town to me and I wasn’t sure how to take them. It was actually her later posts (I think actually after I replaced in) that had a degree more towniness to them, and that’s probably why I initially didn’t SR her, either, since those were the first posts I saw from her until I went and backread. And when I backread all 90-something of her posts, I still townread the later posts.

I’m going to sleep

see you all in the morning

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I only have Marshal above Chloe because he is usually somewhat weird, but Chloe has been active nothing like JoJo. I feel that in part 7 Chloe was obvious town from the get go, but not so much here. Maybe in a bit I’ll look at Chloe closer

yay 1000 posts I won’t be able to catch up on

which means 2000 after school

so excited

I don’t have tiiiiiiime

Series of marshal posts with Arete paranoia is towny imo

stop I finally had a confidante read

Towncore img Blizer makes me paranoid mist was so fucking wolfy


This post is wolfyyyyyyyyyy



I read but I still don’t know :frowning:

Do you have thoughts


Like what

How do I at people because that what Chloe said to do

You put an @ and then their username

Ok so first I saw you swear :rage:

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And also the marshal guy was being mean to ppl I think