Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

He asked me to iso


im saying

what did your brain say in the moment

we all have a natural response
what was yours

I don’t remember


why did you ask this?

explain your full thought process

I thought about it when evo flipped then I forgot about it I was like hey people shading evo for this are kind of scummy if Chloe ever flips V especially if Chloe line up to be D1 lynch because the. They can try to chain evo

did you ever look into this?

No because I went to school

okay next question

give me your stream of conscience thought process regarding conroy

how youve felt about him throughout the game

Holy fuck if my phone does shit and I lose marshal quote for a third time I’m leaving

just focus on this rn

quotes can come after ig

i’d rather have you in the moment

ignore that i said conscience and not consciousness

Conroy kiiinda towny ??

I should reread Conroy
I should reread Conroy
I should reread Conroy
Conroys push on me is shit
I should reread Conroy
I should reread Conroy

no you

how do you feel about conroy right now

has too many posts

i dont really care how many posts he has

have you not been keeping up with the game

what do you think about him in this exact moment

town? scum? what does your gut tell you and why



next question

since you said so, have you remembered any games where conroy made spreadsheets?