Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

this is respectable

:orangutan: :orangutan: :orangutan: :orangutan: :orangutan:

Oh okay

i feel like vulgard

it exploded way too quickly and early
i can’t shake the feeling of it feeling fake

arete is handling me similarly to how im handling them

makes me mrr

I think the way Chloe vs Arete is devolving makes me think it’s W/W because it’s like

“oh wow it went from chloe basically pre-flipping arete in every argument (same way for arete) and never considering V/V” to

“Chloe comes back calls this V/V for a pretty weak reason (like how do you determine wolves arent taking sides here + we have 4 basically no posters)”

and it feels to easy / contrived

but maybe arete isnt doing that

i think chloe always wolfier here

thats my take

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actually might aswell

/vote Chloe

I’m not really a fan

what did I just read I don’t understand

welcome to the present

my thoughts

Chloe confuse me

I think it’s plausible

I think chloe/arete could look at the playerlist and go “these people are going to clear each other, let’s rocket one of us deep at the sacrifice of the other”

and it’d be super fucking funny

but i’ll reserve judgement

i think it’s likely even
nightingale is my third wolf at the moment
it’s also possible arete just town
the only reason i’m thinking it’s scum / scum is due to chloe’s overreaction
and partially due to arete actually like… taking her up on the argument rather than just going
“Yeah you’re a wolf”

Hi guys


Hullo Grace!

Take what back?

and the way it happened felt super preplanned, arete came in with a meme rvs on chloe claiming n0 redcheck and then segues into an awkward w read of chloe that progressed into hell


I’m not really going to entertain that too much atm because while it’s gamer it’s also sorta preflippy and I don’t want to get caught up in that and instead want to catch them villagers

no me gusta

I read “no me gorta”