Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

if marshal gets cfd’d away from i will

do nothing but yeah be sad

ok I’m gonna go do stuff
be back later
hopefully before EoD but maybe not right up until EoD

well fk ure doing a pretty bad job at dunking chloe


I seen supremely confident mentioned twice and my immediate thought was is this a wolf chat meme

this post sounds pretty towny but maybe I’m jumping to conclusions too fast
trying to think if Chloe can fake spiralling into uncertainty for this long

then I realized

me wishing i was a wolf so i wouldnt have to go through another day of torture:

supremely confident is the copy pasta

ure staying alive anyway i dont think u die today

evo why did you have to go and make yourself a FUCKING IC

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I’m in no sound mind to dunk on Chloe rn

I can’t like this post but yes

I mean I’m out of likes lol

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I need to stop procrastinating real life and just get out of the thread

oh no you reminded me about the thing why would you remind me about the thing

because the thing

what thing

the marl nightkill meme


i dont need more things to think about i need a fucking flip

can someone just
vig someone so i can have a clearer mind