Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

have you read how Arete has treated our slots invidiually marshal

idk this like, checks out

it was a rhetorical kinda “why do you hate my read? is it cuz your WOLF? Gottem!” kinda post

This is within their v range pretty wholly

I’m going to admit that Arete might have had better luck in changing my mind if Litten didn’t read their posts the exact same way that I did, without my having to explicitly tell Litten how I am interpreting Arete’s posts other than just “agenda”.

If Litten is the wolf among the two, then it’s really bad that I’ve somehow managed to mindmeld with a wolf, and this is part of the reason I had to rearrange my PoE despite SRing Litten to the point where I tried to get him voted out earlier.

yes, it’s not a question.

Yes, it’s meant to be a gotcha

That’s wolfy why?

(and I still dont see how its meant to make wind post a wolfy response)

So it’s just normal for Arete not to give any room for me to case myself as town?
Seems kind of counterproductive but ok

arete can be aggressive, yes.

the way you can case yourself as town is by ignoring them.

What, so I am supposed to completely ignore Arete in the thread? That’s also counterproductive as town imo.

I mean if you think arete’s blocking your attempts to towncase yourself, and that’s your goal, you can bypass that by ignoring them until you do.

Pretty sure I tried that earlier and then Arete suddenly went “if you’re pointing out that my getting upset makes me a wolf, you’re a wolf” which was weird because I was thinking the opposite and also not saying that at all

Unhelpful and unrelated to current discussion

I think the way osie is handling being replaced in is… kinda weird? If they’ve been at least skimming recent posts and having been told current discussion is semi-important

I’m not sure why they’re focused on isoing people rn

Especially since eod is very soon

I don’t think it’s weird for Osie to ISO people immediately, but since they gave quick reads (or what looked like reads) with absolutely no explanation I do want to hear from them on that. But I figured I’d just ask them on D3 once they made some cases overnight.

realistically no

Im not going to touch arete today

I think they’ve been villagery.

Why the FUCk did I stay up so late aaaaaaa




I don’t think we were going to touch Arete today anyway, but I still find their behavior off.

To do
Iso Arete in general

Iso trochi for tmi


Ok I’ll be back in under 30 min I’ll go fast

I think tomorrow will bring a lot to think about one way or another.

As a wolf your goal should be to yeet villagers. This is fine and all, however villagers are actually hard to yeet in practice in playerlists like this. As a wolf it’s much easier to yeet villagers if you can get them to post scummy posts. There are certain number of things where while they aren’t actually scummy people tend to read them as scummy, such as when a person is called out to vote someone when they said they would, so when they do it it’s usually declared awkward and such. Arete tries to assert in the rhetorical question that they are correct, while also trying to make sure that any question he answers to is a wrong one “why aren’t you considering the possibility”. It’s much easier to push villagers when doing this, which is why you need to keep an eye out for this sort of stuff.

this shouldn’t have taken so long to write but I had to rewrite it several times because I felt like it didn’t rlly make sense

I also do agree that villagers can do this as well, however paired with the third reason it’s more likely that he did that in order to get a scummy response


why can’t I think about gender when writing