Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

Your fellow wolves have given up on saving you.

Fuck it

/vote Chloe

I believe

Let’s Rand it


i cant decide what is the best use of my time

We need 4 more votes, I think at least, I think this is actually achievable

voting Chloe is better use of your time

Yeah this was predictable

Fair enough.


Why am i now liklier wolf than arete

arete’s post and thread stuff lead to chloe wagon dissapearing and me sticking at 5 votes

let’s flip her

arete could be wrong, or I could be wrong on arete and chloe is a wolf

this is the best bet over flipping me and getting nowhere

Ban Count

Getting Banned Banners Votes to be Banned
Marshal Chloe, Centuries, WindwardAway, Leafia, 4/7
Chloe Marshal, Firekitten, Blizer 3/7
Firekitten Arete, 1/7
Arete an_gorta_pratai, 1/7
Not Voting Grace, sulit, Light, osieorb18 4

Yell at me or another Host/VC Bot if this VC is wrong.

i am so happy now

It took you THIS long to get into the same mindset ive had regarding your slot

I find it less likely that arete, as wolf, defends us v/v than arete being villager and being wrong on you

Do Light’s reads on Trochi actually have like

a pretty good history for being accurate?

Wolfy as anything else you mean. You aren’t villagery in the slightest and you know it.

i’m wolfcasing you

you aren’t my first option but if it’s me vs. you i’ll throw it all at ya


Dunk on chloe with us
