Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

wait wtf

In purely political terms, I recommend paying close attention to the praxeological method developed by the economist Ludwig von Mises and using it as a technique to free people from the spell of lexiphanicism that Chloe has cast over them. The praxeological method is useful in this context because it employs praxeology, the general science of human action, to explain why Chloe sometimes uses the word histomorphologically when describing his microaggressions. Beware! This is a buzzword designed for emotional response. Time and time again Chloe and their flock have led us to disaster. To them I say no, not this time. Not again. This time, I plan to make it known that if you march with shrewish oligarchs and make common cause with shrewish oligarchs then you’re just as bad as shrewish oligarchs. If you don’t believe that such logic holds up, then perhaps you’ve forgotten that Chloe has created a culture that insufficiently condemns morally crippled perverts who cast the world into nuclear holocaust. Under such conditions, it has become unsafe, not to say unfashionable, to argue that you should be sure to let me know your ideas about how to deal with Chloe. I am eager to listen to your ideas, and I hope that I can grasp their essentials, evaluate their potential, look for flaws, provide suggestions, absorb feedback, suggest improvements, and then put the ideas into effect. Only then can we accentuate our universal humanity. Chloe asserts that this would be denying her, her birthright. Then again, she also proclaims that the norm shouldn’t have to worry about how the exceptions feel so I wouldn’t take her complaints too seriously. The take-away message of this letter is that Ms Chloe love of aspheterism and collectivism gives a new, perverse dimension to the old adage, De gustibus non est disputandum. We should hold these words to our bosom, use them as a shield against Chloe’s inequities, and wield them unilaterally against those who would get on my nerves.

Blizer look me in the eyes

I’m a goddamn villager
And we need to work together today

arete dying is wat

I slept through EoD.

Thoughts so far:

  • Chloe is town on a pure tone read of pretty much any handful of her posts I’ve read.
  • Windward is scummy.
  • Firekitten is a scumlean scumread. The way they have presented cases has generally felt disingenuous.
  • Centuries is somewhere on the slightly scummy side of null.
  • FULL ISO’d Grace. Newb town.
  • FULL ISO’d Gorta. I’m leaning scum here. Disconnect with the thread is real but Gorta seems like they’re not even trying to get their wits about them.
  • Leafia is okay. Not a priority for me at the moment.
  • I have mixed feelings on how Blizer’s handled the EoD but I’m not convinced yet that they are scum.
  • Has Light done anything useful? I’m leaning town on tone in a few posts, but there’s so much spam there.
  • Sulit is just memeing in 90% of her posts and not doing nearly enough. I’m down to execute that with fire.







why is arete not in your list


take this post

I’m going to destroy all your arguments watch

“Conroy was disconnected from thread and therefore is a wolf because wolves happen to be disconnected from the thread if wagons are V/V”

Okay listen buckaroo firstly nice-preflip and secondly

Here’s my sleep schedule for day 2 (in military time because not every country is the US)

Let’s count the hours together (note that this is probably not 100% exact, if you catch me posting at 1PM midway through D2 it’s not that I lied to you on purpose)

I counted 11!

I could also talk about how my life is so miserable that I spent all my awake hours being in-thread but yeah

Here’s what’s important though

“Was Conroy a wolf content with the wagons so he proceeded to have no thread existence”

Is already a big mistake because you’re not accounting for the fact I was so fucking sleepy I didn’t even put my glasses on.

So here I am, EOD, woken up by my shitty phone alarm, the default one that is. I turn my phone on (I mean it wasn’t really even turned off to begin with) and what do I get to witness?

Well to be honest my memory is a bit fuzzy and I don’t really remember any posts that were made in my sleep.

I glance at the thread real quick reading words, not registering them, I look at PFPs, I see Leafia’s pfp that has a white background that is is so fucking annoying to look at, I see FK’s and some Blizer posts whatever.

I catch up, I remember seeing the thread at that time, I see Leafia and Litten literally going “Oh vote X he’s the wolf for god’s sake”, I ponder “what the fuck have I woken up for”

So my first message I quote “appeal to grace” is just the way I manage to pop-in thread without looking like an awkward dummy

(At this time I just thought that the Chloe wagon didn’t exist, I didn’t think it was like tied 4 to 4)

So it’s basically a joke that is like “Oh FK is trying to create a CW to save his scumbuddy by manipulating Grace” ok sure thing

I immediately make another post I quote again “agwee” (it’s funnier if you have the reference) and get this, it’s me agreeing with Chloe that I shouldn’t have woken up since my vote wasn’t ever moving and I knew I wasn’t in a good mood.

Chloe asks me “How long have you been awake for”, I look at my phone “18:13” yeah that makes 13 minutes cool.

I disappear for a small minute and I see Sulit literally doing this weird “Oh I don’t know who to vote for” act which looking back, kinda weird, thought you TR’d Chloe more? Whatever I make a remark “if you do not vote Marshal here wtf” this highlights my actual thoughts, on how you could think Chloe is scummier than Marshal after Day 1.

Going faster, anyway, Marshal suggests to let it rand, which obviously no I will not accept a rand.

At this point I think about if I should or shouldn’t go on my computer to actually post because I realize that I don’t show any fucking energy but since I want to go to sleep as soon as day ends and I know that once I wake up for real, I can’t sleep anymore, I make the choice to stay in my bed.

I’m skipping a few posts that are me telling Grace and Light to vote Marshal / listen to Chloe, I think this got outshone by FK & Leafia literally making thread worse by constantly going “Oh I will give you cookies if you vote Marshal” and “I will take cold showers if you vote Chloe”, great discussion guys

Next post that actually means something, the fact that Leafia suggests to kill both if one flips town, obviously I’m not down to lynch Chloe so I tell her that the idea is fucking terrible please don’t do that

So the next 10 minutes or so I don’t know what the fuck was happening in my brain, I was either half asleep or just swallowing information by reading (but not really), 18:38, Chloe asks me for thoughts because I’m kinda not spamming thread compared to a few others, I just say that Sulit’s sus attitude of “Who do I vote ?!?” doesn’t sit right with me

Honestly I feel like Sulit is more sus than I am here bias aside, because I’m still way less fine with killing any of the two compared to her whose read looks like a coin flip at best .

Then like a good Frenchman I complain for a bit then my final comment of the day before the hammer is pointing out that Marshal/Sulit voting at the same time feels very coordinated. I still think it’s very awkward timing wise.

I can’t put my entire EoD under the “I was sleepy” defense but I don’t think that with context, it’s that weird? Like if I was actually fine with either I wouldn’t have woken up to begin with, would’ve been better for me.

Might as well give you a few studiesTM since you are probably likelier to accept it if it’s said by organizations that you don’t know but they sure do have funny acronyms

A study made by the CDC and the American Academy of Pediatrics (aren’t Pediatrics foot doctors?) say that an adult my age should sleep at least 14+ hours over 2 days (7x2) meanwhile I slept way less, some other website I found off google that I know nothing about said that waking up with so few hours of sleep can lead to fun things such as weight gain and sickness, and the most important part, after you wake up with 5 or less hours of sleep you usually have a fuzzy memory and trouble to make up your thoughts

I’m aware that I should’ve been computer posting to show that “yeah I actually wanted Marshal dead 100% of the time here” but honestly it wasn’t until like 15 minutes before EOD that I saw what the wagons looked that way and I really didn’t feel like if Sulit/Marshal was W/W as I thought, that I could actually change the issue of what they had planned.

Oh yeah this is only the first part of my post by the way.

#596 #614 #2403 #2414 #3233 #3258 #3475 #3602 #3619 #3695 #4193 #4250 #4387 #4984 #4990 #4997 #5954 #6175 #6358 #7226 #7229 #7245 #7348 #7604 #7640 #7658 #7734 #7744 #7748 #7790 #7792 #7828 #569 #2784 #2803 #4340 #4365 #4456 #5473

What do these posts have in common? All written by Marshal, all talk or mention me. I challenge you to find a reason why Marshal scumreads me in there. The best I can find is that I’m “very wolfy” and that Me/Chloe is W/W which is just wrong and he never actually expands on that.

So if you actually scumread me because Marshal said so, well it’s pretty dumb since even I don’t know why I’m so scummy according to him.

(This is where I take a break)



Why is Sulit scum you might ask??


Firstly I think that while I got accusation as not being interested in the D2 lynch (only during the very last hour of the day I might add)

You have sulit with hit posts such as I quote

“I can’t decide to vote either of them without feeling like a jerk





Proceeds to vote Marshal twice and Chloe once in the same post

Sulit is not very implicated in the lynch right

Sulit also isn’t very interested in reading me? Sulit always wants to read me, she likes trying to find me when she’s town, she hasn’t tried to find me at all, she seems distant, she ignores me, calls me weird and just all around doesn’t like, try at all

Sulit is also very much into gamer re-eval that makes very little sense

Post 50 something from her “Chloe is TWTBAW”

Her epic re-eval 70 posts later “Chloe isn’t even that wolfy”

Why re-eval?? I think it’s very TMI-ish for no reason!! I don’t think the feelings of not liking to kill Chloe are very real!!

Here is town sulit iso as she savagely doesn’t even fight for my life while calling me town

Here is Sulit this game

V Sulit when town conroy is getting wagonned by the entire game: no thoughts head empty

Sulit when Chloe is getting wagonned: my feelings oh i dont know who ivote ahh ajrjdgjiofhjoijfghujgiojojpjiof (this keysmash is sulit this game)

Her reaction to my spreadsheet “Oh my god don’t TR Conroy for doing that we can’t give him any semblance of townieness for doing anything” really feels like she doesn’t care about my slot but moreover is willing to lie (about whether or not I’ve made such spreadsheets before) in order to push her read

I’ve genuinely never made a spreadsheet for FM ever

Also when Arete TRs me for the spreadsheet she responds with an emoji then Arete proceeds to ignore that and then I just drop in Arete’s reads which kinda feels weird

I’m trying to make the ISO short because I’m making it on google docs

This is page a lot I’m just skipping to next cat


Fire Cat is a wolf because he is blatantly pushing an agenda!! Right boys

There was this W/W stint where Catrete calls out Firecat for making a meme about Marl’s death before Marl died

Where did this go uh?

If I caught someone who made a meme about a player’s death that blatantly pushes agenda I would actually be pushing that until my death uh?

Guys think real quick

FK made a meme about Marl dying before Marl’s death

And used it to push agenda against Chloe


And then Arete didn’t do anything about it??? Despite being so scummy??

Why was the FK wagon picking up so little attention

I think FK coming into day 1 is just fucking hammering the status quo by voting Chloe and then coming up with stuff the further time passes

I can’t be the only one who thinks that right, Mist did too, now mist is gone

Chloe agreed too

FK push Chloe

Chloe no like FK

Fk kill chloe

No more people who don’t like FK

Vote this not Chloe I swear

He’s 900 posting, it’s very annoying to browse through

It feels like “drown out thread” FK not “solving” FK you know what I mean?

He makes Leafia start this “Cookie war” and it really feels fake

His read on me feels like TMI and pocket attempt, like I refuse to believe I’m in his top 3 townies

I think his push on Arete is harder than Arete’s on him which feels more authentic

I do think it’s all fake though and he’s attaching himself to Wind/Me/Maybe Grace

His article / past experience pushing feels very agenda-y

I think the “Elite wolf” article which I’ve read in the past is like, made in a way that makes it pretty easy for wolves to use it to push on “wrong villagers”

I refuse to believe he believes in the Arete wagon

He has this very weird comment talking about “the difference Arete treats him and Wind” which I think is very slipp~ish seeing how the world I’m building it’s calling out a wolfmate for treating him differently to a villager

That’s my take on FK

Maybe I come back to it later down the line (so in like 2 hours)


Nerd Cat is such a wolf!!

You know how Arete was like “oh you tmi people v/v but you’re not interested in separating them”

Well Arete didn’t wake up

Arete had more of a reason to wake up than me for example

And even if let’s say, Arete didn’t wake up because they didn’t want to for some reason

Well then where’s the actual CW

It’s Firekitten

Who didn’t get pushed


Because it’s W/W and Arete didn’t want to bring attention to FK

That’s why there’s no CW here

It really feels to me like Arete blatantly TMIs the 2 main wagons and then just stands there

Wind was like “who do you want dead”

Arete reaction was to do nothing and sit on it

Duh they are actually fine with the wagons it’s all fake

Arete’s POV makes little sense, from their POV the lynch is like dead split on Chloe Marshal, it creates a stake, “They think it’s V/V so they TMI both wagon V/V but let them resolve without doing much”

Arete blew the Chloe/Marshal wagon up in order to build upon it!!

I don’t think they thought Marshal was V, it was just all fake TMI in order to make the wagon even stronger because they knew people didn’t like Marshal/Arete as a scumteam

It’s why they go “Wind Conroy wolf”, they knew that by naming the people who were the most vocal about them/Marshal scum it’d direct all the focus on Marshal

FK gets called out for being on the sidelines but just pushes Chloe to keep the status quo even stronger

If Arete is V why are they not doing anything about wagons?

Because they are fine with it

And then I’m the one getting called out for doing that

It’s just all agenda

(there’s another few hours break here)

I don’t want to talk about how they handle EVO because like, I’ve already been wrong twice, I don’t think I can use this argument without appearing giga dumb

Another thought is that their reaction to my ranch posting (voting FK then me) may be that they didn’t want the thing to be like them vs FK which I kinda believe even if it’s dumb

I feel like their takes are very volatile and it feels like the fact they preach that “oh if you can’t re-eval without flip you’re bad at fm” is kinda like appeal to authority on Wind which I don’t like

Their Gorta read feels like trying to keep POE open and I’m not convinced by their SBPC

Also Arete calls the game locked with Chloe/Marshal in their bottom 6 and it feels way too much confidence and the read change feels like TMI

Arete also sometimes asks me questions but then proceed to ignore my answer, I don’t know why, it’s never acknowledged again, like when I explain my flip in read on Chloe it just, happens and then poof

Re-reading the flip of their read on Marshal/Chloe feels very fake, it’s like just before they said “fuck it V/V” Arete was in thread talking about how “They shouldn’t listen to the side of their brain that is saying V/V because it’s wrong and Chloe is a wolf”

And then Arete just calls some random Chloe posts V which is uhh idk this deep in I’m probably conf biased and half my points probably don’t even stand in a W!Arete world but it feels kinda, too neat you know, fits perfectly

On re-read their flip is so sudden it just feels wrong

They start a Sulit wagon but never push it

They start a FK wagon but never push it

They start a Wind wagon but do push it

It feels wrong, I’m pretty sure this is just a wolf and I’m making my life complicated

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Because I removed them before posting.

I’m not reading that

literally nobody is going to read this for a while

its sod
people are realtiming

I’m not reading this
I didn’t think you were scummy

i came with a bunch of memes to dunk on Chloe and I don’t know how to feel now



@Marshal im legit sorry
i started to turn around on you with like
15 minutes left in the fucking day
and i did nothing

@Arete you died for a noble cause

JFC @Centuries WTF is that post…

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I’m going to say it

Arete’s death quite literally spews me V for about 500 different reasons

And the only reason Arete dies there over Blizer is because Arete had a correct PoE

If anybody can think of literally any other reason for Arete to have died

Speak up now

i dont have any idea

hot take:arete dying over blizer actually confirms Chloe as scum

why would you not kill the person who was saying yeet Chloe if they die

like, Arete dying there makes zero sense if town was that wrong

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