Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

I didn’t even say you weren’t a big voice who are you even reading

Alright two worlds were living in here

FK is a wolf pocketing the Fuck out of me

Chloe killed Arete for thread control and direction

i feel like me waking up is like worst of both worlds because

i get on at eod to talk in a gamestate where my vote never moves

so i get called out for being here while not having a very exciting eod

when in fact i can just sleep if i really dont care about eod its not like im going to get sr’d for sleeping

today is going to be a spicy day I feel like

Wait what the Fuck, your vote was marshal

It absolutely mattered

it wasn’t moving

it stayed

my presence doesnt matter my vote stayed here

Blizer what are your current wolf team thoughts

Chloe/Cents/maybe ose

Fk/sulit/maybe wind

3rd wolf is something I need to dig into more

These are like

The two wolf teams that most likely exist from both marshal flip and Arete kill

fwiw I would kill you always there for thread control


Yeah, but killing Arete is also something you can do

Also you could be pocketing me as we are going down same thought process here

Wait that may sound confusing

I mean me, not like if I was in Chloe’s position

kinda worrysome that blizer’s 2 worldbuilt teams have no same player yet the thread doesnt feel like those people vs the other group but whatverzz

This was also my thought lol

Arete is an Interesting kill

I think it damns Chloe more than FK in regards to how it looks after last day

But she looks terrible from marshal flip here

It kinda is though

EoD 2 wagon is important too look at

Nope. It spews you wolf. If you were v, I’d have been the night kill obviously.

you guys are too tunneled

I love the idea of Leafia ever being a nightkill


Occams razor applies though same with Marl here

Fk/Chloe exists for a power wolf and deep wolf fantasy tbh