Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

he seemed unconcerned with what was happening and was focusing on other people


town didnt listen to me at all yesterday

and we lynched a fucking townie because of it

I scrapped all my teams so lol
I’ve never been good at building wolf teams so I generally stick to individual reads
And both have sucked this game so far
I’m not considering who is or isn’t in a team with each other because I think the one thing that the NKs reflect is that we shouldn’t be sticking people in teams based off them.

the things i want to say right now, but refuse to

like jesus christ

you are legitimately playing this day as suboptimally as possible if you are a villager

the ONE thing arete said not to do today is kill me/marshal if the other flipped town

you OWE it to arete to do this
and if we lose this game because you refuse to listen to logic
it’s absolutely
100% on you
and there is no way around that

If we had listened to you and yeeted Chloe, and she had flipped town, wouldn’t you be saying something else?

ok so if u gth chloe town AND dont have any teams where chloe fits

why is u thinking chloe scum

Is it just me or do Leafia’s posts as the day go on look worse and worse?

let me get a pelt

i’ll die tonight because i’ll be the only person with a freaking pelt
then you dont have to sort my slot

just let me get a dang pelt

Chloe’s at the higher end of my PoE, not the lower end

I gave reasons in my wallpost



go back to d1

actually read through d1, then go through day 2, then come back

lets actually try to get on the same point here

Nk on from n1, lynch on day, nk from n2, lets go through this

see why they happend, and specifially in that fucking order

and continue from there

Their posts seem to be indicative of a stubborn town, rather than a stubborn mafia. Plus this is town AI for them according to other players

Reasons why she could be scum, I mean

thats just leafia tbh

We could also pay attention to the dead Arete who had their finger on the thread pulse.

I think Leafia, Blizer and I all fall under the category of stubborn town and we have probably screwed the game,so I apologize

Why are using that as argument

why are you using someones fucking death, as a reason to why i shouldnt vote you

No ones words are gospel here Chloe

also, thats bullshit, cause that can be applied to marl

how about you do this

and get out of your tunnel and try to look at this game from another point of view

you are actively refusing to do that and at this point you want me out for policy

which is
horrible play

and will lose us this game

I would have went for FK tbh

@Blizer @Leafia @WindwardAway please vote for not chloe i beg of you

My vote is currently on you and not Chloe lol