Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

Arete was killed because Chloe is v and their POE was right!!!

Arete was killed so Chloe could push their PoE and agenda

One of these is clearly more probable and likely than the other right?

Right guys!!!


Which you will today. I also promised Blizer I’d sheep him if he hammered Marshal, but even if I hadn’t done so, I still would be voting for you today.

Arete was being scumread by several people and you know it.

you’re being an extra vote for wolves and will very likely lead to my ML by majority

towards the end of the day im going to give you a name to sheep tomorrow and you will owe it to me to listen to that once i flip town

Chloe was just towny enough that I wasn’t willing to let paranoia go “but WHAT IF”

This is definitely not V!indicative for me
My apathy is/was not related to the game in any way, shape, or form

This is a good point, actually…

Like, Wolf!Chloe kills her most ardent supporter, then tries to ride the wine while pushing that supporter’s PoE? Wat? That’s way less simple Occam’s Razor than just: Someone else kills Arete and then continues on with the bandwagoning on Chloe on the argument that Marshal flipped town.

Actually light

i want your thoughts from EoD yesterday and from Arete kill today

i dont want to like, fight or convince you in anyway

i just want to hear your thoughts and probs more unbiased view on the situation

fk is a wolf and i’ll probably dome him later but i need to find his team today

But they won’t listen to dead town.

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since you probably read pings at least

can you promise to be more active today? Like, I know you generally aren’t that active but it would really help out a lot if you could spend a little more time in thread


i hate saying how we should listen to Arete after they flipped

compared to how we should not listen to marl

its a significant like issue to me in away

and it feels like a narratives being pushed from my PoV

but whatever i guess

also here’s the thing
I know I said I didn’t want to leave Chloe, Marshal or Arete till LyLo and thats why I was pushing for them to be exed here.
But I did not expect a night kill on Arete and that changes things because it means we’ve already lost some strong townplayers, as reluctant as I was to see that (and literally did not see it until Arete flipped).

if we kill Chloe here, and she flips town, we’ll be at 6 town dead and the thread will probably become even more chaotic than it already is, and not in a good way.
Since Marshal and Arete are both gone, I do not want us voting Chloe out today. Get off her wagon.

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Wrong. In no worlds do I survive N2 with you as a villager. Because I’m a member of the consensus towncore and I’m hard defending you, so if you were a villager, the wolves would kill me so that you and Arete could be mislynched. If Arete had survived last night as well as me, I would’ve been conv9inced that you were both wolves. In fact, a lot of people were considering the possibility of you and Arete being scumbuddies together.

For my sake, can you take another look at people with L’s as the first letters of their usernames? People citing unreliable meta is not reassuring enough for me on Leafia or Light.


Maybe Marl was wrong or Marl was right

same with Arete

thats kind of my issue with that in regards of like

listenting to dead townie reads

Arete had an extra Day phase of information. Of course you listen to Arete over Marl here.

I thought the EoD looked pretty poor mainly for Sulit and kinda Chloe
Arete kill has too many potentials for me to be confident in it, but I felt like it looks poor for Wind mainly, and if Wind is W Chloe is V. Chloe’s explanation for why she wouldn’t kill Arete is kinda shaky but I can at least see the perspective if I try hard enough

I’m getting deja vu so if your next question was “okay, and did you read up on any of those people?” the answer is no

the difference between marl and arete is that marl was deathtunneled and solving the entire game from the perspective that im a wolf

whereas arete was using their brain, and has a very very very true point that eliming me today after a marshal v flip is exactly what wolves want and exactly what we should not do

its the single thing you owe to arete, if anything

I wasnt gonna ask but okay lol

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