Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

it’s more because they both seemed comfortable TRing each other
and I think if they were w/v it would be more awkward because one might catch the other and they wouldn’t be able to keep up the act
I also feel like if they were v/v they wouldn’t have TR’d each other so fast but I need to really go back and look at it
I think Light will probably be the next person I ISO but I don’t have the time right now so I’ll get to it later and form an actual opinion on his slot.

I mean
I threw a light townlean on them because they acted appropriately to an important question
i said multiple times it wasn’t definite and questioned why people were sheeping my read on them

yeah I know, I remember that part because I was there
and I saw people go “well I’m trusting Light, Trochi must be town” which seemed odd
because almost nobody said anything else after that

Found it so you don’t have to

/unvote @katze

I’m doing this so I don’t flop the town yeet today by voting the wrong person. I think my vote is more useful to town by not being on anyone at all than by possibly MLing someone again.

there’s this too

I mean

I would say that this is incorrect

I think the arguments get weaker after this by the way, this is nothing value but first time i read through that i had that exact thought17

ok take, TWTBAW shit concept but kinda works in the way that, i can link 10 000 things to Arete W and it makse sense and it’s all a question of worldbuilding

i dont know where im getting

ok giga brained take

how is chloe wolf

if she’s too dumb to understand by spreasheet

sulit is uhh
she just exists
wanting to read isnt reading
its lazy
i still think scum though

FK is very tunneled

Sulit isn’t doing anything

does that make sense

i didnt mean to send wtf

honestly at this point my WiM is zero so I don’t actually care

did Blizer actually flip his Chloe read at any point

therefore I’ll literally not vote anyone so I’m not in the way

what are you losing wim at

we’re not at lylo
we’re not at lylo -1 ml

we chilling


he almost did at some point when you and I kept saying we shouldn’t vote Chloe today and he, FK and Leafia were fighting against it
idk if he flipped his read but he at least started to consider a world where Chloe doesn’t flip wolf today

its when you go through hardships that you have to persevere

I’m losing WiM because I think whoever I place a vote on today is not going to be a wolf

but fk scum
chloe town



Sulit’s d1 is so townie weh

But idk! Weh

I need to find uuuuu
I gotta find uuuuu

Camp Rock is an underrated movie tbh

people dont read my wall

me angry