Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

here’s another flaw that you probably shouldn’t care about
light was calling trochi grace so that throws the count off a bit

no because it would be unfair to people like blizer and osie just them


sulit 11 interactions with fk! the 1000 poster! weird no

Wind i know this is like interaction and stuff

but like

sleep man

Im also chleb

Sulit is also lily and butter and litlit and lit and soolit

Arete is also atree or tree or aroot


This is uh

OH ok I get it

also i searched Litten/FK/Firekitten

its just me, him and windward who i searched multiple spellings and or names

yeah see my point lol

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I think i understand where your going at with this

its lack interaction and them ignoring each other right?

no but come on how often are they called that

this many

you’ve been called that 10 times at most

maybe i mean


ive called chloe chleb in like

20 to 30 posts of mine

ok well let me fix it

so i
made up my mind
it must come
to an end

ui mean without that u still have 100 interaction

its mostly made to call out people who dont interact with each other

it doesnt matter

anyway sorry to say but I don’t really understand the point of the spreadsheet
maybe i just need sleep but I think comparing Sulit who doesn’t have many posts to FK who has tons of posts doesn’t work that well? because it should be as a percentage (which I think is what you were saying when I mentioned color coding) and not total number of mentions since people’s total post counts widely vary

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no my issue with sulit is that she never mentions fk!!

does she call him litten, fk, firekitten or what

ive looked up all 3 for everyone

same for me with

cent cents conroy centuries

and you with wind windward

500 posts isnt nothing