Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

I went to go to the bathroom and then when I got back I completely lost my train of thought on one of Arete’s posts


I’m honestly not sure if you are or not any more. I’m certain that FK is though.

It’s possible and that’s why he sleeps on the porch but you’re an indoor leafeon

/vote Firekitten @katze

@Nightingale did you get lost in the oshiete yo

His reasoning for scumreading Chloe is the weakest I’ve ever seen after all. Just because someone acts some way as wolf doesn’t mean that everyone that acts that way is a wolf and that’s his only reason for scumreading Chloe while you could just be a villager with tunnel vision right now. I get it sometimes too after all where I manage to convince myself that someone is a wolf and won’t listen to anything that hints at otherwise.

Even if you think I’m scum or wrong Marshal Sulit and Arete are all extremely good chloe readers

They know her

He could very well be the third wolf I don’t disagree but I don’t want him gone today because I’m much less sure about him than I am about chloe

I’m pretty good at reading her too you know and I’ll admit that it’s possible that she’s scum, even if it’s unlikely.

I think you can ignore wagonomics when a wolf is basically outed

So I don’t think it’s unlikely

@Grace how’s it going sulitster

You can never ignore wagonomics.

grace is Not Home tm

Aldo, it’s impossible for a wolf to be outed less than 4 hours into D1 in a mountainous.

Okay I’ll agree they can be useful for finding other wolves on the wagon but you can’t use it to discredit a wolf read on an outed wolf

I deleted my message I was making solely to laugh at this post

How is she outed? Do you suddenly have a redcheck on her?

A red check on her soul

Also I should sleep now leafia