Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

Good night. Sleep well.

It’s been fun discussing this with you even though I may have seemed a little tilted

Your pov is unique, I think it’s a valuable trait to have as a fm player

Ban Count

Getting Banned Banners Votes to be Banned
Chloe Arete, Wazza, Centuries, Marluxion, Firekitten 5/8
Firekitten Mistyx, Nightingale, Leafia 3/8
Grace Chloe, Marshal 2/8
Centuries sulit 1/8
Nightingale Light 1/8
Not Voting an_gorta_pratai, Grace, EVO 3

Streamer got a headshot, send Poggers in the chat bois


I agree. It’s a very valuable trait to have as an FM player and I enjoyed our talk too.

i am now worried about sounding too arrogant when playing forum mafia

this doesn’t change my read but it makes me feel as though my posts can rub people off the wrong way (not in an AI way but in a jerk way)

I worry about this sometimes too
I like to seem confident but it comes off as assholeish sometimes

Time for me to take a nap now so talk to everyone later.

especially considering when I reply lol to a message I usually do it to talk about how ridiculous something in the post is (the marl lol was because I asked Chloe the same question) and I’m worried about that sounding condescending


I don’t think wolf chloe is mad at us, probably just upset at herself
If she is skmebowy town she is probably furious though


was more referring to leaf but now I’m worried about how I sound to my wolf reads


Also speak of the devil hola chloe

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Very rarely will a wolf hold a long term grudge if you’re right on them in my experience

Unless you’re playing against zone

Zone will personally attend your post game funeral just to dab on your grave

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Where are you even getting this meta from
I’ve played with you as town ONCE

And in JoJo I wasn’t under like

your meta is hot garbage dude

and the fact that you’re reading into what are obviously jokes as… openwolfing? is also really dumb, and a huge stretch

you’re finding a way to pin everything i do as wolfy

Thats not true at all

I haven’t given up in the slightest lol
I just don’t care if I go down today, but I’m still going to do my best to solve this game

At this point, me going down is +EV for town because it’ll ruin threadstate for me to be alive tomorrow with everyone focusing on me and not looking elsewhere
Preflipping me, not listening to anything i say as if it could come from a villager, etc
At least if I die tonight things I wrote won’t be ignored and brushed off as if they’re 100% from a wolf

I’m tryina not let the game affect me

I went into this game wanting to try something new and honestly, it backfiring is more on me than everyone scumreading me

I’m tryina keep a clear mind so i can figure shit out
Being furious wont help me do anything but get in another tunnel

Marl feels more like a mega-tunneled villager than a wolf pushing agenda

But that’s just a viberead
More coming after class

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I think this type of post comes from a wolf more often than a villager. From my experience villagers and wolves both hedge on their reads however the way they do it and the context of it is usually how you tell the difference. However, this type of take seems like a weird thing for a villager to hedge on because the take isn’t like a read, it doesn’t affect the game, so it really doesn’t make sense to hedge on it unless you were somehow worried that this opinion would reflect on your alignment this game in a bad way…which is very more likely a thought a wolf has.

On the plus side if I’m somehow wrong I’m still dying tonight so you can yell at me about how wrong I was in DVC