Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

we have townies wolfsiding

there are 4 people pushing me atm

and it isnt even near eod, when there will likely be a bigass cfd to me

cough leafia

Chloe is not obvious town here and if anyone thinks they are I would love them to prove it without the night kill that could easily be wifom

Actually, I have an idea.
/vote osieorb

explain please

The problem with FK is that I did have my vote on him on D1 because I legitimately thought he was scum and was going to flip scum no matter what

But I got caught up in the wagons and my weird dumbass read on Arete and Marshal and there went my FK read because he had to trend upward in my PoE if everyone else trended downward

And I probably never should’ve let that go.

actually this is kinda feelsweirdman though

i townread 3 of 4 people pushing me

wolves where u at

Like how is Chloe obvious town via her own posts

David Bowie and Queen came together in harmony

are you reading the game or

i dont want fk vs wind wagon

it probably doesnt go in our favor

this is why she never gets killed

I am reading this damn game and I really don’t see it

also people want to gib chloe

what about my posts do you find wolfy, then

they are split on 2 people meanwhile we only have 1 cw (sulit?) yet it feels like we’re outnumbered both times

No, it won’t go in your favor. I can hope Blizer doesn’t vote me, though, if he can pull Leafia with him.
I don’t think Leafia should sheep Sulit and I’m not just saying that because I SR Sulit.

your tone is way off and like I said it’s unlike your play in JoJo fmpov

sulit is potential 2nd one
