Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

about tot ale a shower will be back

Since Chloe is town here like 90% of the time.

ok, but how is Chloe’s tone towny? Does this also count as meta? I ask this because you said you don’t use meta and usually tone is based on meta. At least in my experience you need something to compare tone against

also I’ll get to reading Leafia, but I’m taking this chance to ask you a question

where did the cw(s?) go

You know i find these posts day 2 to be funny from Cents, considering their stance now


Cents kinda just fucking flipped their stance on the wagons to this after i came into thread

These posts are before i came into thread

im actually interested in why Cents changed their stance on Chloe wagon


That post huh


honestly i woke up so, a little tired

i wanted go through your iso a bit

and uh

jsyk if that’s what you mean

my change of thoughts isnt because x player subbed in or whatever

if you’re this like confident in chloe being w that you preflip me as scummate doing whatever (which I think is that you’re doing?) then you’re in the exact same position I was earlier on

which is dumb

and uh
this is explained at some point in my iso

probably twice even

and thats just counting me responding to ppl sussing me for flipping read

and uh

thats not counting me saying why i just tr chloe

im not doing that

i just went back through your iso and noticed the shift

its why im posting it and asking about it lol

oh well then


it flipped it flipped

what more can i say

I think your taking my post as an attack or a read more so than you think it is

im just geniuenly curious about the mindset shift

They want you to join the French Navy. Do so. It’ll be a wonderful adventure. Meet chicks. Raise them into chickens. Have delicious eggs whenever you want. Just call 1-800-LEA-FIAS to sign up now!

i think joining the french navy is more about being stationned off the coast of Mali in order to defend diamond mines or something from terrorists

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Honestly thinking about things again

i do think that

We should follow Arete`s reads honestly

considering how good arete is, even if they could be flawed

i see what Arete is saying with their reads, and honestly looking at wind a bit

if FK/Wind is a likely wolf team, i think FK helps out wind here to wolf better

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Arete has the ability to lay down. Centuries’s check is valid.

Blizers Read list/Logs

Wind (If Arete Flips T, re-eval)

Wolf Leans:

Both terrible EoD, Cents looks really bad from Marshal Flipping town here no matter what

FK tier:

Could be pocketing me, weve mindmelded alot. Arete`s flip can actually solve the slot


Both are legit possible in and can be both wolves. Both benefit off the Marshal Lynch and both look worse from that along with the Marl kill. LOL Occams razor

Im posting this again honestly, i made this last night before flip, and my thoughts on slots

i did note depending on Aretes flip, i would re-eval slot. and i even said Arete death solves both those slots

fuck me, i think FK is the wolf here aaaaaa

how fricking old is this

This was made like

two days irl lol