Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

osie pogchamp poggies pogu pog

Where in the hell did I suggest narrowing the PoE to 3? Whose agenda do you think is mine? What the hell are you smoking?

breakfast awaits, I need to stop freezing my rear off here and eat

Yeah and it sounds like he’s just trying to set up future mislynched or at least keep the options for mislynched open.

This is the second time that Gorta has lied about something I’m doing in the thread and you’ve bandwagoned onto that.

No, you don’t get to lie repeatedly and then dip.

breakfast though

oh really now?

most important meal of the day

That doesn’t mean “let’s narrow the PoE down to 3.” I never said “let’s narrow the PoE down to 3.” That’s a simple statement of fact “We need to eliminate 3 wolves to win.”

I’ll expand on my point when I get back

So Gorta is not only dishonest, but also doesn’t understand English. Got it.

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Ban Count

Getting Banned Banners Votes to be Banned
Firekitten osieorb18, Centuries, Chloe, WindwardAway 4/6
Chloe Firekitten, Leafia, Blizer, an_gorta_pratai 4/6
osieorb18 Light 1/6
Not Voting sulit, Grace 2

If this VC is inaccurate, yell at me

Leafia/Gorta scumbuddies hard read, probably not changing that read any time this game.

So FK+Leafia+Gorta tentative team.

If people are able to take their blinders off, I’m most interested in eliminating anywhere in that 3 for the time being.

Pretty sure it’s Leafia+Gorta and then one of Firekitten or Sulit.

Could be Light.

That is literally the dumbest solve I’ve ever heard.

Of course you would say that.

So would literally everyone except for you.