Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

I swear if it is treeman

we are the most self-destructive town

that has existed lol

I dont think arete is ml target tbh

I came into today ready to shield the fuck out of them

And they were going to shield the fuck outta me

Me and aroot can be pretty loud

Agreed. We are.

Arete was not looking the best thread wise imo coming into today

but yeah

wolfs are just killing strong town members

it really is just occams razor with both, wolves are just killing strong players

Like the slightly above half of the playerbase which is not in my towncore yet is at least mostly the less experienced half, lol.

In fact, if Chloe is a villager, wolves want her to live until lylo so they have an easy mislynch.

/vote Windward

i, kinda do think this slot looked very opportunistic over the Firekitten vote earlier tbh

Everyone is much more on the table for me in LyLO, so Chloe would be an option. I’m sure I’d also be an easy miselim.

Tryina figure this out


if fk is town

who are wolves in your opinon

I just remembered something

One sec

This doesnt fit the flow of the thread

And also… doesn’t match what was beibg discussed

It’s entirely random and just
Weird lol

Also a pretty easy-to-answer question if you read any of eod or marshal’s posts at all

So if I’m semi-resetting reads on the bottom half and then aiming to get the towncore up to 6…

I need 2 townreads out of:


I really liked Windward’s long posts, the whole double draft thing, and if they are scum, that does take notable skill to do during the night phase.

@Chloe Is Sulit scummy enough yet for a CFD? I see you’re one step ahead of me.

/vote Sulit


Back to the process though.

Yeah i said 24h and we’ve almost hit the mark


Sulit im fine with aswell

as i said with their wall on wind

i think that they just used Aretes points and reasons for her wolf read on the slot, rather than her own mostly

Yeah again

i think Her EoD 2

was really fucking bad imo

I dont think wind is a wolf


I think the slot is like
Mega twtbaw
Yet also insanely pure at the same time

Its hard to find more than a few tangible things to point to and say “this is townie”

But my gut just says shes a villager?

I can try to flesh this out once im more awake

I think wind deserves a good read through

Arete kill and town flip makes him look really bad after that arete interaction last day

but yeah

im on a wolfier lean side on wind

i think Sulit wagon is also good btw, so yea

/vote Sulit

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