Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

I also think thay both arete and marshal arent shit players and they both aligned on a conroy scumread and its subconsciously affecting my take on the slot

If FK is a villager, conroy is very very likely a wolf using me as a weapon to ML him


Conroy has also expressed a strong desire to kill sulit for wolfing but yet
Is still voting and pushing for fk


pre flipping is fun ya know

cause i kinda just thought like

yea if cents is a wolf, FK is looking like town rn


Also i just realized something that actually maybe decent NKA in a way

Cents was reading Chloe as a wolf

Marl dies, someone who tunneling Chloe

Then, Cents does a 180 on Chloe Read

Then, Arete dies, which makes Chloe more townier from the slot dying


@sulit whats your read on conroy

Bc ur the conboi reader

I see we’re mindmelding poggers

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doin this for you, marshal

/vote Centuries

We’ll see how it feels

actually poggers

are we actually solving this game lol

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i can agree on this tbh

/vote Centuries

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Ban Count

Getting Banned Banners Votes to be Banned
Centuries Chloe, Blizer, osieorb18 3/6
sulit Leafia, WindwardAway 2/6
Chloe Firekitten, an_gorta_pratai 2/6
osieorb18 Light 1/6
WindwardAway sulit 1/6
Firekitten Centuries 1/6
Not Voting Grace 1

Is this better than sulit elim? I suppose they’re about the same.

/vote Centuries

Im blaming marshal if we’re wrong glgl



Am i big brained

Does this work

I think this works like
Really well?


Sulit’s SoD comment about gorta still strikes me as odd and doesnt match the flow of the thread or what was being discussed

Sulit has avoided talking to/about conroy

Gorta made sure the first person he iso’d was conroy

Im preflipping a lot and im enjoying it

I think Grace/Gorta/Light are all about the same for me in terms of contribution to the game tbh.

Cent and sulit appear more actively scummy.

Ftr osie in case you didnt catch on

Conroy = Centuries

Sorry lmao

Yeah I got that relatively quickly after the first couple hours or so of thinking that it was Cemetaries from Hypixel/MU.

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That’s because you’re skimming me instead of reading :roll_eyes:
We’re not going to see eye-to-eye at all, are we?


its weird that this feels like my first major mind meld outside of FK this game so far


If conroy is a wolf i can go from the d1 ML to the n3 nightkill poggers

Gaming tbh