Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

Night was wolfy

Trochi was eh

I don’t think Osie has posted a lot, can you go read through their posts and tell us ur thoughts

Not right now


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I have come to realized that I am also extremely impatient

we are both in that category

and also mood

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why the fuck do i get 3 random votes in my sleep

you were sleep talking and said you were a wolf in thread


and do you take everything a sleep talker says at face value


no but frvchloe how the fuck do you get pocketed this hard while going “this is fine” meanwhile if i even voice a tr on u im tmiing u v for some reason


centuries can you elaborate on ur sukit read

also why are people using my lw game as material to say whether or not im w

i think hes saying

osie is pocketing you i guess?

cause idk how like he would get that conclusion with me?

i think youre wolfier than her

That didn’t explain your Sulit read

Wait what

no fk is