Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

I’m fine with either a Centuries yeet or a Sulit yeet today honestly.



why am I scummier than Sulit

he just posted two quotes of you saying he makes spreadsheets

do you have a link to those games

Enforcing a thunderdome

Because that worked out great yesterday

No I said no ??

sulit i want to kill fk over you

to which part

There’s only one question in that post

I mean

we were enforcing one earlier between FK and Chloe


all we have beene doing the past fucking 2 days

Thunderdomes based off reads.


okay but do you affirm that he has made spreadsheets in the past

and if so

please find them

I don’t remember and I’m not going through all the gsmes I’ve had with him looking for it because it doesn’t matter

it died for no reason

osie comes in and somehow chloe who was convinced FK was scum suddenly doesnt vote him anymore?

he is constantly wrong from her pov its like scum what


I don’t remember when he used them fk

this is a frustrating conversation

to explain Sulit had agents instead of games

and then they fixed it

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I dont

i think your more around equal levels wolf personally

I think your wolf pocketing Chloe in regards towards your flip on the chloe read yesterday, along with kinda how the deaths match your thought process in a way

while i think Sulit EoD was really fucking bad from my perspective, espically since she like, TR`d marshal, yet was releuctant to go on either wagon, plus as you have pointed out earlier, lack of interaction outside of a couple slots tbh


Me Chloe and Osie just mindmelded tbh

do you really think that FK is town