Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

why the fuck would you send this without my permission

I’m sorry :’(

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why the fuck am i townreading that



(if i make an unironic openwolfing post this team might become real)

Too late. I’ve already solved most of it. Watch me die tonight. Granted, there is one world with FK being a wolf that makes sense, and that’s if Blizen is his scumbuddy. I dislike how quick Blizen was to remove focus from Chloe and start scumreading FK when it was obvious that Arete was killed to frame FK and Chloe. Not as likely as a Centuries/Sulit/Someone else scumteam though. That being said, Blizen being the third wolf with Sulit and Centuries is a possibility too. Not certain about it though.

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i’ll miss you

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Reading through Conroy’s wallpost finally because I have nothing better to do with my life at 4:00 in the morning

Pediatricians (paediatricians if you’re not American) are doctors for children
Podiatrists are foot doctors

I’m gonna go back and look for that
Youre probably right and he might not have given specific reasons, kind of like how he said I seemed towny pre-arete interaction and didn’t know why

But if Marshal actually had a mostly correct readlist then lol

I never actually commented on this but yeah
Did we ever get an answer from FK on why he specifically said Chloe could make her wallpost towncasing Arete as a wolf, but why he didn’t say I couldve done the same thing?

The problem with this part is that I legitimately thought he had a point
I’m not sure why the fuck it happened since Arete was town, but I’m guessing it’s just because they SR’d one of us more than the other and/or our interactions were different because not all interactions are alike (duh).

This part on Arete though
I don’t know why but I never thought about it like that and it’s weird
Why did you think about it like that?
Not saying it’s a bad point, but like, yes I was voting Marshal and wanted him out, but it didn’t occur to me that Arete as a wolf would very specifically encourage people to vote out Marshal and not just any town wagon (Marshal OR Chloe, as Arete was saying)

Idk though I legit think Arete’s play was just a bit weird in this game and since I already have trouble reading their slot as a spectator this just drove in the point that I literally do not know how to read their playstyle and should focus less on whether their plays make them inherently wolfy and more on… idk actually, I’ll figure that out later.

I think I forgot to address your Sulit points so imma backtrack here.

Ironically I think this part is accurate and also indicative of distancing
You mostly quote what Sulit has done that’s wolfy looking, more than giving your actual opinion on why specifically it’s wolfy
Like I get the point but it also feels like something from your perspective is missing? Maybe I’m starting to bias myself into thinking you’re throwing suspicion at your scumbud but I really think something is missing in your accusation of her, if we can call it that.

Keywords: “doesn’t care”
not “scumreads”
again, if she’s distancing, you’re making it blatantly obvious by pointing these things out lol
If she’s not distancing then idk why the hell she’s treating your slot this way.

So anyway I finished reading your wallpost and my conclusion is that, yes, it’s a wallpost and it has another spreadsheet in it, but oddly enough I can’t tell whether you did or didn’t fake it. I legit think you could have faked this as a wolf, even if it was a lot of work to make.

Also, you only cased Sulit, FK and Arete. Maybe that’s just because you only wanted to case your top 3 SRs, but why didn’t you case me, for example? I was accused of pushing agenda by Arete, similarly to FK, and regardless of the night kill I should fall under the “might be a wolf” category here. You expressed uncertainty about my slot the day before, but then convinced yourself Arete was wolfier, but also FK, meaning that if you’re a wolf, I would be your “see, you were wrong about Wind” towncred and otherwise you could simply pocket me because I don’t want to SR you.

Earlier in the day I realized how actually dumb I’ve been with trying to TR you for things you damn well could pull off as a wolf, so I slapped a vote on you to remind myself to go through your posts again and ask myself why exactly I was TRing you. I can’t say you look super scummy, but I can say it could go either way at this point. And I think it’s probably better that way.

Me too.

They are both town. I’m pretty sure of that now.


have been leaning towards that conclusion aswell now

Osie kinda helped with that, and i kinda just

got my head out of the gutter

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I’m not even pushing FK right now lol
All I said is that yes, I think he’s looked kinda wolfy the entire game, but since I also see some of his points as being actually valid, as I came to the same conclusions even though they were flawed, I either fake mindmelded with a wolf or FK had a real thought process

im gonna hit the hay here

im getting pretty wiped lol


It’s not like I’ve been pushing FK the entire game. I pushed him on D1 when I subbed in because I did a surface level read. On D2 watching the interactions with Arete I thought Arete looked wolfier than FK because I agreed with his points.
Then today I went back to “Arete died so FK is really incriminated” but it would honestly be a risky move for him to kill them. They could pull it off since they’re an experienced wolf, but the wagoning kind of tells me otherwise, and there are elements of towniness in his posts.


Great to hear.

i didnt sign up for this game to read 1000 postspernight


Good night.

i just wantto video gaem

Osie is GTH town
I gave a read on them earlier in the day and said it was so I couldn’t be accused of making it up on the spot lol
I recognize their playstyle as a very effective way of solving the game, and even if I disagree with their reads on certain people (like when Osie SR’d Leafia) I understand where it’s coming from and I honestly don’t think it’s fake. I can see how they arrived at their reads and I’m pretty sure they believe their own reads.They have high WiM and came in solving so I feel pretty good about their slot,despite expressing doubt earlier in the day.

she puts me bottom 3 poe which is = to scumread at this point and then doesnt care

like she’s doing it on her side not mine