Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

that doesn’t really make sense because wind probably doesn’t ever get yeeted here

I mean yeah

but like, i feel like those interactions were pure from my PoV

like i dont think tone could have been faked there from either side as much

I don’t think anyone is going to CFD to me today so you’re better off just voting your counterwagon

You guys can yeet me tomorrow if Sulit flips town, honestly
It’s not gonna be nice but it would be logical

Day 3 Legacy

Leafia - Distinctly in townmeta. Has formed her own thoughts throughout the game rather than simply sheeping consensus. For example, her take that the scumteam is Marshal/Cent/Marl, some of her early d1 thoughts like the fact that me and Arete could both be town by how votes were moving, and the fact that today she thinks FK could be a wolf with Blizer? Has a Greater Than Thou attitude that causes her to 180 on people who scumread her because it’s impossible to from her pov. Yes, my entire townread on Leafia is based on meta, but I don’t think it’s unfounded, as it’s been pretty damn reliable in the past. If it gets down to lylo, of course look at this slot, just like you woild re-eval anyone else. But unless she openwolfs tomorrow you better leave her ass alone.

Grace - Pure as fuck, boi. The girl has the most genuine tone, and a mindset that I find much more likely to come from newbtown. She townreads people who are helping her, and people she likes (on a personal level, not a mafia level). She has a few ‘derps’ like asking what a ML is, too. Her EoD2 was pretty solid as it matches the perspective she had the whole day. If this is a wolf it’s being heavily heavily coached, but I still really doubt it is.

Blizer - The dude is like… if you took a group of villagers, put them in the blender, and made a smoothie out of them. Pure villa vibes, and probably tastes really gross. Came in guns blazing after being wagoned, and had energy and oomph that I wouldn’t expect from someone in his position replacing in to a top wagon. Mist had some villagery posts regarding her annoyance at the gamestate. Blizer has been actively trying to take a leader position, and has re-evaluated multiple times and attempted to see different worlds. His thought process is transparent in the thread and I feel like its almost reached the point where its unfakeable.


Wind - Yeah, this slot is scummy. But I don’t think she’s scum. I think she’s a designated ML. Her play this game has pretty much been TWTBAW with her horrible response to arete, constant aelf-aware attitude, and writing posts with conclusions in mind beforehand. Yet I still don’t think she’s a wolf? Her SoD3 posts feel real, like they’re her genuine thoughts. She has some potential derpclears (yes, wind, i know you hate derpclears but suck it up) like where she thought there were 4 wolves instead of 3. Like Blizer shes put all her thoughts into the thread no matter how unrefined they are. But unlike Blizer her thoughts come across as self-aware-as-fuck. But you’d think after being called out for being self aware multiple times… a wolf would be self aware enough to stop? Lmao.

Osie - I mindmelded pretty hardcore with him and Blizer on the Conroy thing. If FK is a villager, this is almost always a villager, as he got us to break up our tunnels and see different worlds. If this is a wolf, it’s a wolf with FK, for the same reason. He has no real reasoning to do so as a wolf when he can just… let us at eachothers throats and skirt by the sidelines while we clog the thread. (FK wolf does NOT equal Osie wolf, but Osie wolf almost always equals FK wolf). I feel like the dude is making a genuine attempt to sort the towncore and determine if people deserve to be there, rather than shaking it up to leave his options open as a wolf.

Light - I haven’t given a read on this slot in quite a while, and I could be wrong on him for this reason. He’s had some great wallposts that strike me as coming from a townie mindset where he’s legitimately trying to evaluate over time and come to a conclusion based on what he finds, rather than going in with a conclusion in mind. (His response to arete’s v/v post, his take on osie’s slot, etc). He’s started to drop in activity and thread presence, which isnt inherently AI unless we keep yeeting villagers - as its indicative of a wolf who is content with the situation.

FK - I think the dude has been chalk full of agenda this game. Misrepping people’s posts (such as Arete), using many many Mafia Theory arguments to support his pushes, a lot of anecdotal evidence, and seemingly coming into days… knowing the nightkills. His response to Arete’s v/v thing was pretty bad. However, despite all this… I still think there’s a chance he’s a villager? We’ve had so many little moments of ‘okay that was oddly villagery’ that I feel like that should count for something. He’d treating me exactly how I’m treating him, but, in his instance, if he yeets me he almost always goes over the next day as a result. A wolf with TMI on me would know that they likely get chained from my elim. Also, this is level one, but i feel like if he were a wolf he woulda gotten me killed by now lmfao. Where the hell is his support? This is still in PoE because I can’t shake gut, and because Arete had many valid points regarding the slot.

Gorta - Proooobably a designated ML, because I want to take Marshal’s word for it that he’s a villager. Gorta is really only here by process of elimination, as I see almost everyone as more villagery than him. This is super useful, I know. I think his lack of awareness is villagery, and his response to people trying to townread (like marshal) him is to basically say ‘fuck off.’ What he has going for him is minor, but maybe it is just best to sheep Marshal on this one. But that means someone in my upper tiers is wrong, wehhh.

Sulit - I’ve tried. Idk man.

This is about where i am on the slot rn

Her d1 was so good!!! But shes dropping off hardcore, weh

Conroy - Whiteknighting and pocketing the fuck outta me. Regardless of alignment. But I think hes much more likely to be a wolf

I’m also putting stock into the fact that my mindmeld with Blizer and Osie is the first time this game where I’ve felt a huge sense of clarity



If Chloe is mafia and I let them go I won’t ever forgive myself tbh

that’s a lie but that’s what my brain thinks rn

The ‘less confident but still think theyre town’ thing stops before FK!!!

I’m fine with hammering Sulit rn


any last words



you want hammer, or can i hammer

Oh is Sulit about to get hammered? Guess I’d better make a legacy post of some sort

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Ban Count

Getting Banned Banners Votes to be Banned
sulit Leafia, WindwardAway, Firekitten, osieorb18 4/6
Centuries Blizer, Chloe 2/6
Firekitten Centuries 1/6
Chloe an_gorta_pratai 1/6
WindwardAway sulit 1/6
Not Voting Grace, Light 2

okay we can wait 4 u

Shes not of legal drinking age so i hope not


You’re more certain that Wind is mafia than you are that you are town?

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I’m stealing that

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People have been lock scumming me all day so I’d prefer just staying on my scumread if people are just going to hammer me, yes

but if you are town yeeting anyone else is better from your position
