Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

Lots of thread instantly went “Oh, this is fine” when he subbed in for Mist and I really didn’t see it
Chloe being W raises the chances of this btw


It literally makes it seem like you don’t care about the game, and are “bothered” enough to actually attempt to try to get into the game

That’s… exactly what’s happening, though.

okay but that is not a good sign

i have class bye

fk gets to be a villager for the next 5 minutes until i change my mind again

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same with Chloe

Okay? What do you want me to say? “Lol JK this extreme apathy and dissonance that has been present all game and didn’t just magically disappear because I’m getting wagoned was a joke”?

Don’t say anything, just start solving instead of trying to defend yourself against this. Because there’s no defending it, because your actions this game have shown that you care very little, but youe words sound like you were invested but slowly lost interest


do stuff

doing stuff makes it easier to read you

Have you read me?

no you aren’t a book and your pages are very hard to read

(yes I have read your posts this game)

I really don’t want to ISO anyone. I don’t have the patience to go through 1300 posts and literally just restate things that have already been said and ignored.

What have you said that you felt was ignored?


Sulit was also a villager with ass WiM to play the game

had that massive wall post on wing

aint me defending the slot but yeah

i dont think we should treat the low WiM as an indicator of wolfiness

but, Self-awareness is another thing entirely

I said low WIM wasn’t scummy, my problem is his words about losing WIM imply that he was heavily invested when it wasn’t the case

yea that is pretty fair tbh

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This is my last post of D1
I have no idea what post in my ISO this is, though.

Last post of D2

Last one of yesterday

I don’t really know where I was going with this
but something about postcounts™

When we said ISO people we didn’t mean ISO yourself

I thought that was self evident but I guess not

I was doing something and then forgot what I was doing

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