Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

i changed my read yesterdaay to not yeet her, but i was still game for like

the first 24 hours

I legitimately came into the thread thinking that if Chloe was a wolf we lost because no one would listen but now it’s like I’m suddenly right

i honestly dont understand how anyone can see me/fk as w/w

i legitimately cannot understand the thought process

i dont think you are at all

im just like, speculating the most unlikely team at this point of time lol

Look, I’ve just been playing into whatever narratives the wolves have set in this game and I’ve done literally nothing useful except waste my time

I thought I got my WiM back yesterday but it’s gone again after I was wrong about Sulit

I did actually consider a Chloe/FK/Centuries team but it scared me so much that I dumped the idea lol

I can understand it but I’m disappointed to say that I’m not a wolf

If like

Cents flips his read on Chloe

shit is

very weird


this thread is weird

well now he wont


Wind look me in the eyes and tell me whether you are a wolf wanting to yeet Chloe now that we have 2 misyeets yet

Honestly again

that mind meld between me, Chloe and Osie

was fucking like


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I’m a townie who just gave up and I don’t know who to follow

gorta/leafia/light/wind want me dead thusfar

leaves conroy, fk, blizer, grace (who we can negate bc shes never a wolf)



wolves want me dead today lol

can you not be wolfy for one post

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I mean at this point I could just vote myself if I thought it would help, but that’s another misyeet for us


why would you think that would ever help???

I don’t want you dead Chloe lol

Gorta has been wanting you dead for like

i think since day 1 and he hasnt really changed that?

idk. he doesnt ahve many posts to iso tbh

Oh shit

speak of the devil and he shall appear