Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses


Doesn’t matter

Come on

I’m trying my best to evaluate you there

If you can’t even bare me scumreading you, I don’t know what I can do

when you think someone is scum and then self vote and ate

how are you supposed to feel

im not going to become more correct if you do this

reconsider maybe


Yeah but we aren’t in LyLo yet if I just vote myself anyway so why does it matter?

Most normal human beings are weak to emotions

I don’t want to make you quit

If possible, in a perfect world I’d love for you be a townie who I can help become more correct

Ban Count

Getting Banned Banners Votes to be Banned
Light Firekitten, Chloe 2/5
Chloe Light 1/5
WindwardAway Leafia 1/5
Not Voting Centuries, an_gorta_pratai, Grace, Blizer, WindwardAway 5

Idk, I think the NKA at least on Arete points to it being less likely that FK is a wolf
But I guess that’s a dumb reason

Get your vote off yourself, unless you’re a wolf.

/unvote @katze


I was gonna try something, but I guess it’s too risky so never mind.

Centuries, Blizer, Light, Leafia, FK I think have all expressed that they think I’m likely a wolf (correct me if I’m wrong

Only Leafia voted me, though
You guys could push me over very easily as a consensus yeet,so what are the reasons you aren’t doing it?

the moment I was about to vote you, you performed a move commonly known as

“I quit + self vote + ate”




But what about before that?

Still trying to evaluate your slot compared to others

I’m not deadset on a lynch 13 hours into day

I’m actually willing to change target

And I don’t get anything from voting you seeing how you endure pressure

I mean
I knew Leafia was currently the only vote on me lol

Anyway ftr it’s not that being scumread bothers me as much as the fact that all my reads have been incorrect thus far

And that’s not something you guys can fix. I’m working on it. I tried a different way of reading people in this game and it has failed horribly so far, so I’m back to square one. But I’m running out of different ways to read people effectively since nothing I’ve done here has worked yet.


Looks worse if conroy wolf tbh

Everything else i mentioned still exists, but that post was so offputting and extremely farfetched… yet oddly specific
That it almost felt like it had to come from a place of TMI

What made you think to say that and… why did you say it?

Unvote yourself

Stop with this stuff

Cmon man
If you’re v, your mind is an asset and we could use it
No givin up

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