Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

I don’t remember that game

I haven’t played in a while so reading that game seems like a waste of time no offense

I didn’t remember it too well, either. It was my first game, though.
I was reading through it to see if I could get any hints to your alignment.

that’s not going to be very helpful

I’m used to wasting my time.
But, I do have to ask… why the hell would I have that quote if not because I was reading through that game? Why would I be reading through that game if not to have some idea of your meta? And why would I try to figure out your meta if I was a wolf and had TMI?


you are saying you were reading through that game right

were you reading the whole thread or just my posts

Just your posts, mainly. Why?

so just my posts?

Addendum: Sometimes I clicked on the “xx posts” part if I was interested in something like a reply, which is how I saw the thing

ok that makes more sense

going to eat brb

okay this was a lie

I said slight exaggeration after it so it doesn’t count

and it’s pretty clear from context of other posts I said I’m not going to play mafia for a while regardless of the outcome of this game

You never answered my question bully


Lots of comparing to previous games he’s played, and using mafia theory to support his reads
(Not inherently AI, but at some points it feels like he goes hard on the theory/anecdotal evidence)


feels like a town mindset

i hate bets like these
and all the shower and OOG bets suck too. why cant we just play the game we’re in and not add a separate irl layer to it
this isnt ai i just thought i’d mention that it annoys me

starting a CW when the sole focus of the thread is on me is a good look
wolves want us to implode and focus on making teams around me being a wolf, etc
he actively tried to get marl out of the tunnel and seemingly make the game more enjoyable for me
wouldnt a wolf want marl to just go ham on the tunnel so i dont have any wim and dont provide anything of value

idk why but this post like
irked me
really annoyed me
it felt like he posted a big portion of an article to be like ‘look dad! look what i did! i was gunna dunk on her too, dad!’
dont know if its ai but wowee

i thought this could be w/w

i forgot about the meme

i also didnt realize he was doing an RT at the beginning of the day, and genuinely thought he was pushing agenda on me/Arete using Marl’s death

this post feels like he knew marl would die
but thats so stupid
it cant be that easy, right

okay this sounds like me when i was talking to sulit lmao

i hate this post because he sounds like hes trying to teach the class a lesson
idk if its ai but it definitely feels condescending lol

this aged well

i thought this post was scummy as fuck ngl
but i could see myself saying it

feels v
wolf would probably just chain marshal with me and not… him/me/night

i can see this
and its also weird bc i dont know what to make of it

he’s pretty damn invested in the game, and considering we keep wagoning and yeeting villagers i wanna say this is a good look at a glance
his confidence in me being a wolf feels real, as much as i hate to admit it

this is the first interaction i had with him that was like
‘ngl that was kinda townie. fuck’

this is cute
he kinda did the same with me, too

is fk a villager

this is really bad
fk why did you have to post this shit
it was going so well

ranch convo feels like trying to distract thread from the arete v wind scenario but
that gets super preflippy

villagery thought process, i’d like to think

its so BAD

oh no AtE
it feels real too

oh we’re back to bad posts
but does w!FK kill arete when he could dunk on them
these are so gross

this is another little interaction that felt vaguely villagery and i dont know why

biasing osie’s perspective in his catch-up is gross

he called me a lvl-3 wolf and idk how to feel about it
also more mafia theory aaaaaaaaaaa

i dont know if a wolf goes all in on this shit then doesn’t dunk on the villager
but these posts calling arete out for agenda just feel so bad-faith? maybe its hindsight bias

this feels like genuine excitement

and disappointment

this kinda felt pre-planned

this is fair i guess
different playstyles but i can see why he wouldn’t kill arete


this was another townie interaction and i still dont know why

im getting tired and my browser is starting to respond very slowly lmao
every time i paste a new quote it slows down even more
this is pain

another one

another one

ok i cant quote any more posts bc this is getting too slow
but there are many many more times where i had interactions with fk that were like ‘…is this just town. this cant be town. that isnt okay’
multiple times where we mindmelded but on opposite ends
his SoD4 post hit home
his emotions that hes shared in thread feel genuine, and at most points i felt the same way
he and i somehow have had the same exact mindset on eachother, and i dont think thats easily fakeable
he noticed the wagons picking up steam on me today and backed off, when w!fk would just fucking dunk on me and not allow the village to get anything done

it hurts my soul, but FK is probably just town

Do you want me to show you me making 3 memes while alive in a game of what I thought was going to happen in that game before the game finished


I misspoke, these were the two memes I made the game I subbed in wanting to post it post game

but none of them happened I was correct on all my villager reads and I was catching onto the scum

so I had to make another meme post game

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