Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

tldr:I prepare for things I think would happen regardless of whether they happen or not




pull 1 more villager out of PoE and we should have the win
i wanna say wind but my reasonings are super super bad to pull her out of PoE, since it’s a lot of twtbaw

we needa find 1 more villager in here and its hard

The big thing is

looking back at Arete/FK

FK would be all for a dunk on Arete tbh by mislynching them, then rather killing, because he would waste the day getting the mislynch off imo

yeah that was my thought as well

My question is

would wind try push for arete yesterday if they were still alive or no

i have no clue and i dont really feel like speculating on it because i dont really know how wind plays

are these ranked

i dont think she has ever gotten wolf yet since she started playing here i think

so, as i stated earlier, we dont have like

experince with W!Wind to really get a hunch on their tells or not

i will say that there is a distinct possibility that wolves and willagers rally at EoD and shove me out

so i’m in a bit of Panic Mode™ trying to make sure im supremely confident in my reads to the point where im willing for people to use them as reasonings come lylo

no just how my brain thought of them

My issue with wind is like

she is like TWTBAW, but it goes from being town back to being wolf in a way today

idk, its just


centuries has felt pretty villagery today tbh

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again, i liked Cents interaction with Wind today tbh

am i the only one who got bad vibes from it?
maybe it was because i was being directly talked to about how FK is pocketing me
from someone who i thought could be pocketing me

Which posts?

no thats fair

its similar to like

how i feel with both of you tbh

That pocketing vibe never leaves my soul

if you guys are a team and pocketing me I’m never town reading you guys again

Do you guys have no answer for it? Or are you just ignoring it because it doesn’t fit into your world view?

you will have to bear the scarlet letter for the rest of your mafia career

its lamist and weird


I forgot about it

but also Chloe is right