Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

90% of my argument for killing Wazza was policy

i’m elaborating my read on a contentious slot

that’s not why I wanted to kill him

it kinda was at first but that was the adrenaline rush of “hey what the hell”

but it’s unimportant

and no, you aren’t lockscum, you’re strongly wolf but I think it’s unfair to just bury you

I don’t stop reading posts because im locked in on a tunnel

What you’re doing is specifically painting everything I say as wolfy when
It really isn’t?

In fact, it’s a real read

It’s not
It’s me noticing how I’m being treated and how that ties into the fact that I think the push on me isn’t entirely village-motivated

it’s me talking to sulit
it’s literally me annoying my friend for the hell of it, and this is indeed a stretch

and frankly, your reaction is super terrible

you’re moaning in thread about how once you, a villager, dies, nobody will listen to your reads (you being a villager, just as a reminder guys im town)

You’re not really using the perspective to go through and dig thru slots like you said you would, you’re ITT with a loooot of lamisty filler and really haven’t been going out of your way to actually provide super high teirs of reads, only elaborating on things surrounding your push

I really don’t like it

it sucks 2 b tunneled early but you’re not doing yourself any favors

Maybe keep in mind that I’m playing today as if I’m the guaranteed elim

Because in my mind I see it as entirely +EV for me to go over today, so people can solve with knowledge that I’m green, and people can focus elsewhere
Therefore I’m solving with a few things in mind:

  1. I can preflip and do as much NKA as I damn please
  2. I have knowledge of my alignment
  3. I’m putting every thought I have into the thread, regardless of how unrefined it is

It’s not like I’m going to be scumread much more? So I’m just throwing out what I can for when I flip and people never re-read d1

I’m not misrepping you, don’t fill anything with buzzwords about gaslighting and misrepping or whatever 3 syllable word you’d like

You’ve done a fuck ton of lamist and complaining since the climax of the tunnel was over

I can quote every instance but I only quoted what jumped out at me

This is entirely untrue

Completely and utterly untrue

I honestly do not give a single shit if I die today
I’m providing (imo) much more than fuckin anyone else here

Sure, I’m complaining
Does that make me a wolf?
Fuck no it doesnt

this is super lamist

you maybe don’t feel it but you’re constantly insisting you’re town throughout the post, it feels really icky and bad faith

I definitely think Marshal is a wolf here. This is clearly pushing agenda.

The thing is Marshal
I’m not scared of you bud
It’s not like you can push me further into a hole lol
The only thing left for wolves to do is discredit everything I’m saying as ‘emotional’ or ‘under pressure’ so that my reads are fully ignored after my flip, which feels (?) like what you’re currently doing

I realize I’m today’s elim
I know it’s what’s best for town, and I’m perfectly calm and collected in terms of trying to make objective reads
I’m not filling anything with buzzwords
I’m not trying to get off the stand

I’m not a wolf
And I’ll do whatever I damn well please

The way you play forum mafia makes me feel things that if I voiced raw I’d end up on the public moderation logs and not of my own will

I’m just going to ignore your posts for the benefit of everyone

Okay so let’s break it down

What ‘lamist’ have I done
What purpose does it serve
And how is it wolfy?

For telling me not to throw out buzzwords it sure seems like that’s what you’re doing right now?
It very much looks like you’re trying to discredit me for post-flip worlds

I went to the effort of quoting every single time in the past 60 posts you’ve subtly or usubtly insisted you were town

some of these (namely the early ones) were necessary but this is way higher than normal

I’m done engaging with you and will read the rest of the players, this is getting nowhere, but you’re really really really hamming up the “I’m town and i need to get the Legacy For After My Flip!!” angle

Not responding to your next post

marshal doesnt spam the thread with lamist bc he is mafia


I will say that im a huge chloe fan outside of this and feel bad regardless of your alignment cuz ur clearly not really having much fun

Don’t take it super personally, just ignore the bickers with ppl wolfreading you and throw ur reads into the thread

(or openwolf, that works too :stuck_out_tongue: )

This doesn’t explain how it’s wolfy rather than me just being a frustrated villager? Is it conf-bias? Is it meta?

Half the things you quoted aren’t even lamist

Not lamist

Is arete lamist for the mindmeld shit on you too then? Why does this only apply to me? This isn’t lamist. This is explaining my thought process

Also not lamist
Once again genuine pov for people to read post-flip

ALSO not lamist
this doesn’t even mention me or my alignment lol

Not lamist

You’re not this bad at FM dude
Cmon man
You’re pulling quotes out of your ass to supplement your read on me when they don’t even add up
You’re expecting people to see a wall and just go ‘yep, i agree’ without reading it

I asked you to quote and explain
You’re using level-0 basic-ass reads on me for being lamist, not explaining how said quotes are even lamist in the first place, when half of them arent

And now you’re refusing to interact with me because this is… getting nowhere?
This isn’t townie dude

You’re discrediting my every word and now dropping the argument entirely so I can’t call you out for your agenda
There are more than 24 hours left in this day and you’re done interacting with your top scumread
You don’t wanna milk spew? You don’t wanna solidify in everyone’s minds that I’m a wolf who NEEDS to go today and can’t by any means get off the block?

This is chalk full of agenda, and I find it extremely likely that you’re the wolf who is egging Marl on and furthering his tunnel on me
Sometimes the puzzle pieces just fit ever so perfectly, and this is one of those times


If people could not ignore this
It would be nice

I know it’s tempting to go ‘wow, wallpost, ok, im gunna not read that’