Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

oh yeah

I book marked this at the start of the game and completely forgot about it until I started to go through their iso just now

then they change when Chloe gets votes

honestly the change felt townie

does leafia normally change like that as a wolf or do they just let things happen

my response to arete saying that my bookmark was the villageriest thing ive done this game
i was saying that if the towniest thing ive done is bookmark something, i should probably retire

its in their legacy

i still think we need to resolve conroy/me/fk aaaa



but arete and marshal
and osie


osie: ‘people dont listen to dead townies enough’

also osie: dies

I honestly think the fact that Chloe has been expressed as a yeet target today indicates that wolves wanted to ignore her because they felt like they could just get a yeet on her later in the game, like, we have 2 yeets left exactly enough for me and Chloe to die

and then Chloe gets pressure

I could be getting big brained tho

you dont say

Chloe if u are a wolf promise me you kill me tonight

don’t let me egg myself in lylo


the only people who didnt want me dead towards the beginning of the day:
Grace, Blizer, FK, Conroy

Blizer, Grace, FK I all townread
Leaving Conroy

Meaning at least 2 wolves want me dead

yes this is me expressing the fact that we should not yeet you

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so uh

going through

i just kind realized that

Leafia tried to like Discredit my intro and push on Chloe when i came into the game day 2. hmm

Hold on im going to get some posts that i think are AI from day 1

we should sort them

Do you have quotes

why are we literally the ones doing anything in this game

centuries is asleep so he gets an excuse cause he did stuff previously but