Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

@Grace okay so I’m going to leave some important notes in this post for you. (Maybe take a picture or bookmark it)
Sorry it’s so long

If we kill a villager today, tomorrow we will enter LYLO (Lynch or Lose), where we have to be correct about who we vote. If we don’t kill a baddie in LYLO, we lose. It’s super important that we work together tomorrow, and don’t make any rash decisions.

I know this article might not make a ton of sense to you, but it’s a general idea of how LYLO situations should go: LYLO Article

Also here’s a super helpful link to understand some of the terms we’ve been using: Commonly Used Abbreviations

You can read them if you want, or you don’t have to if you don’t want to. It’s completely up to you.

Anyways, the notes:

  • Votes will be locked. Once you write /vote [player], you can’t move your vote again.
  • Scum will be doing their best to manipulate you. It’s super important to talk to others, and find your allies. (I’m your ally, and someone else you can trust is Blizer, in the instance I die)
  • Everything will be chaotic. It might be hard to understand what’s going on, so please ask questions if you’re overwhelmed, confused, or have anything you need to ask

How you should play LYLO:

  1. Don’t vote for a while. You should never ever vote in the first half of the day, and you should never be voting first. You vote when your allies tell you when to vote (Me+Blizer can tell you when it’s your turn to vote).
  2. Scummy people should vote first, and should vote eachother (Ex. Osie votes Arete, and Arete votes Osie)
  3. You should vote within the crossvoters (Ex. Osie votes Arete, and Arete votes Osie. You find Arete scummier, so you vote Arete)
  4. Talk with others, and contribute as much as you can, even if you think it isn’t very helpful

Does all this make sense?

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Yes and I think I’ll be home all morning tomorrow cuz if weather so I’ll be able to read and be prepared

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I wanted her dead d1, but Evo goes brrrrrr

no, I legitimately started seeing stuff that was conflicting in my mind

No, but I wish I was killed last night

I legitimately don’t know

That is a false misconception based on 1 game with Cents tbqh. I would usually have scumchat open before reading the thread if I am a wolf.

I am in my mind and I don’t know

It means I don’t have a damn clue about this game. I said I would make more reads today, but I fell asleep earlier, so when I say I don’t know it means I legitimately have no damn clue.

I wouldn’t kill Osie if they were scumreading. The last time in my wolf game with Mist when mist chose to kill Light I got lynched the next day, so why in the hell would I kill Osie here?

It’s a good thing I have an ISO then. Just read my damn ISO.

I really don’t know

again don’t know, like I’m legitimately confused, but I still believe Chloe is a wolf in my gut and my head is starting to think the opposite

I don’t know who the PoE is anymore and I really doubt my reads because my WiM is so low and same with my confidence in reads

Then maybe you should listen to Marshal and look somewhere else

“Gorta has barely posted today” “he must be a wolf” wowee when you fall asleep on the couch at 10-11 in the morning and don’t get up till 7 PM it’s almost like I can’t post


All i wanna do is listen to marshal
And arete
And osie

Gut says conroy town but brain says “listen to the dead bodies”

Whats your PoE right now, gorta

Oh i

Haha yeah i totally read this

Okay what are your gth reads

Alao can you point out what made you rethink your read on me please

What posts had you conflicted?

I really need to stop posting
Then thinking of something else
Then posting that
And on and on and on

Im gunna get yelled at hardcore postgame for hyperposting
I can feel it in my bones
Im getting back into a bad habit :pensive:

also people don’t pay attention to my posts

read my ISO, wind asked me that a day ago

you/light/leafia/Cents I would say if I had a gun to my head, but I semi hate Blizers latest posts

You can drive whatever narrative you want with the kills

@Chloe since people don’t want to read my ISO of 200 posts

If I said the kills were made with the intention to ML Chloe it could also be correct and threadread at SOD pushes towards that, it’s obvious that the wolves were aware that I’m a possible yeet

anyways uhh

Earlier Blizer said it was weird I didn’t flip my read on Chloe yet

I’m literally quite certain the scum agenda is pushing on Chloe, I went agaisnt that for the past 2 days.

You can’t twist this world so much that everything makes sense with W me lol, there’s obviously some heavy conf bias going on

Yes, but why would I kill Osie?

FK’s usage of the MU article is very agenda-y

Nobody fucking wants to see my pov man, it’s so blatant gamestate sucks when all the wagons are vanity atm

Osie kill makes sense from so many PoE it’s so fucking easy to twist

let’s say I want to say Chloe is wolf, I can say that Chloe made that kill in order to push on the slots that are in POE because Osie is wrong

let’s say I want to say that I am wolf, I can say that I made that kill because lol lv1 kill I just kill someone because they SR me

let’s say I want to say that Grace is a wolf, I can say that Grace made that kill because lol lv1 kill just kill someone because they SR you

let’s say I want to say FK scum, I can say the same thing I said with Chloe


see how fucking dumb NKA is right there

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Can we fucking talk how Marl made the same comment as Osie saying “if I die push Chloe” and he ended up dying

and then Osie makes that comment saying “Yeet Conroy/Grace/Leafia/Gorta til F3 if I die” and Osie ended up dying

Like come on

wouldn’t apply to arete aswell though like

they had FK/Wind/You as their highest scumreads before their death aswell

like, yeah, basic NKA is like “Either one of these slots killed them or they are being setup by wolves” and shit

Idk, fuck this game honestly

okay so why wouldn’t it be


legit asking because nobody seems to see this