Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

Additionally, Chloe towncased Arete overnight while Arete was killed. She also defended Arete’s slot in that post despite a number of us thinking Arete was a wolf.

yeah, I think she’s whiteknighting wolves and then pocketing the town tbh
if she’s a wolf she has to get yeeted before LyLo or she’ll steer the game

Here’s the thing:

If Chloe is a wolf, she needs to get voted out ASAP or she will continue to powerwolf her way through the game. FK was right when he said it would make us lose the game. Chloe can wolf well when she doesn’t fuck up her D1 as I understand.
If she is a wolf and she gets yeeted now, her teammates are likely fairly inactive, meaning it would force them to basically openwolf to steer the agenda in their favor in Chloe’s absence.

If Chloe is town, yeeting her isn’t as good of an idea, but we still have one ML left before we get launched into LyLo. If we hit town today, it needs to be a slot whose flip gives us information. That’s partly why I said I think I should be voted out, but now that I’m thinking things through more, I think Chloe is also a very good candidate as her flip gives us a shit ton of information that’s been building up since D1. The entire game thus far has revolved around us not flipping Chloe D1 because EVO pulled an IC on us, so Chloe had a good opportunity to towncase herself over the course of the next couple days.

As I said before, the game has also revolved around resolving the louder slots and not the quieter ones. The loud slots are being killed and the loud slots are being evaluated again and again. But the quiet slots have been mostly operating under the radar and nobody knows what the fuck they’re actually doing since they’ve been so quiet. We need to hit a wolf to force them out of hiding.
There is, of course, a chance that none of the loud slots are wolves, and there is also the chance that one of the loud slots that isn’t Chloe is a wolf. But I think all in all, Chloe’s flip gives us the best chance of solving the game by projecting chain associations and also resolving a slot that’s been hotly debated since D1. We can afford to ML her even if she’s town, and we really need that sort of information.

I hate myself for this btw, but it feels more right than voting the other slots at the moment.

/vote Chloe

I meant whiteknighting townies* lmao

but she might also be whiteknighting wolves at this point, since they’re very close to achieving parity.

the other thing is that if Chloe is a wolf, we’re in trouble if Grace sheeps her. Sulit was town but Sulit isn’t here to sheep anymore, so if Grace places her vote according to who Chloe votes and Chloe is a wolf, we lose.

My own slot has been heavily reliant on Chloe to keep me from being yeeted, as I pointed out earlier, so if we yeet Chloe and I’m wrong, I’m pretty well aware I’d be the next one voted out. But I really think this is something we should be doing and I’m willing to take the risk by voting her. Conroy looks less wolfy than I thought he did earlier, and FK really doesn’t look wolfy to me after his reaction to my openwolfing, which is more or less what I wanted to get out of that.

Ban Count

Getting Banned Banners Votes to be Banned
Chloe Light, WindwardAway 2/5
Light Leafia 1/5
Firekitten Chloe 1/5
WindwardAway Firekitten 1/5
Not Voting an_gorta_pratai, Grace, Centuries, Blizer 4

Why not? I don’t wanna sound mean if that sounds mean I just wanna know why

be back in a bit, I gotta go do stuff

Idk what else to do tho im very confident that Chloe is town and when sulit got voted off she was one of the only other people trying to motivate sulit

This game is a fucking mess honestly

like, i have my own PoE here but like

Fuck me man

i legit think maybe the only like confident person i townread today

is Cents and FK tbh, Grace is pure

so Chloe/Wind/Gorta/Light/Leafia i need to decide on


this is interesting here

Wind and Light are wolf reading Chloe and both voting her, But Light also Wolfreads Wind here and they both on same wagon

do want Lights read towards that tbh

Leafia on light is okay in my eyes, need to back to for context on that vote

I think Chloe Voting FK was in joking matter, but again, context

Fk voting wind is fine from the interactions they had tbh


Okay i saw Chloe reason for voting FK

i do think listenting to Dead Townies is something to quite heavily consider tbh, but then id throw in Cents and FK back into my PoE

esstentially im back to Grace as my only like

Person i have as town

Leafia`s reason for voting light is

kinda blegh a bit honestly

Cause Light has been trying to like

actually push shit today tbh and like making cases on people

so yeah, i think this is personally a bad reason

Fuck me

Im spiraling back to

Chloe or FK is a wolf train again, after like going over peoples Reasonings


in anatomy rn

I can’t rlly defebd myself rn but idk think Chloe is scum

I don’t think*

my prediction is Chloe gets flash wagoned at eod btw

blizer you have literally not tried organizing while I was in school what are you doing