Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

I’m still annoyed that I was 100% sure Cents TMI’d me as town when he said I was a tunnelled villager because I couldn’t think of any reason at all why he wasn’t accusing me of being a wolf unless he was a wolf
but he managed to talk me out of SRing him anyway :joy_cat:

Me when I liked the post: Kalm
Me when Windward pointed it out in thread: Panik

Me when I posted a message citing reasons and saying not to angleshoot : Kalm
Me when I realised DatBird posted in Windward’s EFoL card where Chloe is a host: Oh shit oh fuck


im sorry. It was the higher up one, i wasnt thinking

the funny thing is I was about to point out you posted in the wrong class card, but totally did not remember Chloe was also in that card lol
and I guess if I had noticed, I would’ve felt like I was angleshooting anyway tbh

I was so confused when I returned Dx

I had a hunch the replacement search had to do with the random like on my post, too
but didn’t connect the dots xD

good, because i didnt think we’d ever find one replacement, let alone two

yeah, that would’ve been a disaster lmao
I saved you the trouble by just yeeting the replacement slot without noticing :joy_cat:


at that point the game would have been absolutely broken beyond repair, although it still might have been depending on who you ask tbh


why are you a cat girl

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I could have subbed in as I was uninformed until pretty late

Always has been

letting uninformed specs sub in is kinda questionable

but idk if its worse than a dead slot

i’d rule a pretty hard “no” in this case especilaly because dead players got to put their guesses in uninformed chat before graduating, and informed specs were memeing about who it was which could be AI

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I never really touched the discord chat until just before a replacement xD

yeah i feel like if the situation came up this is the conclusion we’d reach

but i also never thought about asking a spec to play in any serious matter

should have let me sub in


Sadly no one here heard me say FK was a wolf when he jumped onto Chloe’s wagon D1.
That had to be the most opportunistic vote I’ve ever seen so far.

So is Chloe your mature younger sister?
Or would you say your more mature?