Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

broke: mafia discussion

woke: pokemon discussion

anyone who doesn’t like gallade is getting a scumread smh

the tonal shift between these two posts is 100% when chloe’s mindset accepted “Okay i’m outed and I’m going to die, It’s antispew time”

except chloe didn’t really accept she was dead because she’ll fight until literally the last minute of the day

1am piper nonsense

These quots ping me as townie
First one doesnt seem necessary or likely to come from a wolf (unless fk is a really good wolf?)
I dont think a wol fwould thinj of this

Second one is selfaware in a villagery way

Toenie mindset too

Im falling asleep

Quick tired rskim says fk >rand v
Will decide how much i believe i this when i wake up

Ok, what is going on with the Arete/Chloe interactions in the first 100 posts. I hate how they both interact with each other. It’s fishy and on that topic why is Chloe so weird here? On top of that she derp clears me for not catching up with the thread? that doesn’t sit well with me because I clearly stated that I will catch up, so me missing something is NAI.

I’m willing to forgive marl for the meme-y posts in between 100-200, but I better see some massive improvements. I don’t quite know what I think of Cents quite yet, but we’ll get there.

yeah he better improve or else

ok this is fair point

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@Chloe im here see you in 6 hour when you wake up joy cat

Chloe is pocket me :point_right: :point_left:

This is mean

what happened to grace sulit




She only posted like 10 times in our hydra game and a mahkority of those were saying hi na dleavjnf

I made her promise she’d
Post more before she joined this
But she hasn’t lived up to it yet :joy_cat:


Also Wazza is >rand wolf because I can’t remember anything they’re done


I have yet to read past 200. I have massive problems doing anything that takes a ton of effort unless I am really invested


i’m mostly just messing with you, dont worry about it
we have a wolf today