Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

Idk why you feel obligated to find full wolf team on D1 in case you die

kinda impossible

or unreliable

but go off I guess


because i wanna be the mvp

it’s a very dumb reason but it’s my very dumb reason


School is boring

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right now i want to bounce reads on nightingale around

i thought school was out due to snow :eyes:

did they uncancel it

No I have to do online assignments

And since we’re at home teachers decide we can do 2x the work :joy_cat:

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F mega

what’s up light

tinfoil that is super bad that you shouldn’t read


i just said don’t read it


why are you still trying to figure out what it is


Leafia and Evo are god tier scum and are white knighting Chloe because they know she’s town


I think you are tunneling too hard, I was tempted to burry Chloe with a wall post even though I’m on mobile last night but I didn’t because I realized that it hasn’t even been 24 hours yet, and that Chloe is probably dead regardless of what happens today. It’s best to try to solve other people besides Chloe right now, and the best way to do that is to apply pressure to people…notice how Chloe reacted after having pressured added to them.


i didn’t ask you

that might sound rude but i only want an answer from arete

I know

Sulit:I need guidance FK
FK:Vote Night
Sulit:FK who we CFD
Sulit:Proceeds to not

Sulit third wolf :pensive:

For some reason this interaction brought back memories of how a similar scum acted in the last game I played where they were like…yes let’s yeet this person…then proceeded to not vote and when questioned said “I forgot” and still didn’t vote

but the situation between here isn’t rlly comparable so I’m not sure why my brain is making that connection plus Sulit has been pretty pure

something something gut vs brain

I was planning on revoking sulit’s villager status anyways

Chloe has an odd fixation with talking to or about sulit today